The Welcome Campus aims to facilitate the rapid and smooth integration of refugees into university life. The main focus is the provision of personalised advice and the co-ordination of projects that promote the integration and support of refugees. During the office hours, refugees who are interested in studying receive personalised information on the following topics:
- Academic (re)entry
- Language courses
- Funding opportunities
- Germany's higher education system
- Intercultural activities of the University of Stuttgart
Volunteers supporting refugees are also welcome to use this service.
In Germany, there are various types of higher education institutions:
- Universities
- Technical universities
- Universities of music and art
- Teacher training colleges
- Universities of applied sciences
- Administrative universities
Further information concerning the various types of higher education institutions and the study programs available in Baden-Württemberg can be found on the website of the Ministry for Science, Art and Culture.
The "Study-in-Germany“ platform of the DAAD also provides a great deal of information.
Should you have any queries, for example concerning the admission procedures and requirements of the individual universities, please contact the respective consultation offices of the universities. A list of contact persons and websites of the universities is available on the website of the MWK.
The website of the department for Application, Admission, Enrollment provides information concerning what conditions you must fulfill in order to commence academic studies at the University of Stuttgart. The application for a study place is done via the C@MPUS application portal. During the application process, we do not work with uni-assist. Should you have any queries concerning an application via uni-assist, please contact an institution which participates in this process.
Before you apply, you must discuss your plans with your competent authority (for example the job center). This will avoid any financial difficulties.
You can check your university admission entitlement on the Anabin database of the university rectors' conference portal [de]. Should you have further queries concerning your school qualifications, you can contact the department for Application, Admission, Enrollment.
The choice of academic studies depends on various factors. For example, it may be the case that certificates from the home country only allow a conditional university admission entitlement and it is then required to first attend a preparatory college or that only certain subjects may be studied in Germany. The department for Application, Admission, Enrollment can provide information in this respect.
Information concerning the application process can also be found on the university website. The application takes place solely online via the C@MPUS applicant portal.
Should you require advice concerning the higher education landscape in Baden Württemberg and the content of academic programs which can be studied at the University of Stuttgart, please contact the University Student Counseling center.
As a guest, you can participate in seminars, lectures and events prior to taking up a course of academic study. Information concerning this can be found on the extracurricular studies website.
As a rule, the University of Stuttgart requires a language level of C1 in order to commence academic studies, which is proven by the 4x4 DaF test. Information concerning the DaF test can be found on the website of the university or on the website of the DaF test institute [de].
Since the winter semester 2017/18, the institutions of higher education in Baden-Württemberg have been charging tuition fees to international students and for a second course of academic study. However, depending on the residency status, it is possible to apply for a tuition fee exemption.
Information concerning tuition fees and the application for exemption can be found on the website of the department for Application, Admission, Enrollment for foreign students.
Recognized refugees (recognized persons entitled to asylum, refugees with recognised of refugee status and subsidiary protection in accordance with § 23 Paragraph 1 or 2 of the German Residency Act - AufenthG) can apply for BAföG support immediately following recognition.
From 01.01.2016, tolerated persons and holders of certain humanitarian residency titles (§ 25 Paragraph 3, § 25 Paragraph 4 Sentence 2, § 25 Paragraph 5) and persons with a residence permit for family reasons (according to §§ 30 to 34) can apply for BAföG following a stay of 15 months.
Should the general requirements be met, individual conditions will be checked (previously completed semesters, course of study, age etc). All queries concerning BAföG should be addressed to the BAföG advice center of the Studierendenwerk Stuttgart.
General information about studying in Baden-Württemberg for Ukrainian students (videos in Ukrainian language):
Welcome Campus coordinates and supports the following projects:
Friends of Refugees is a student initiative that supports refugees with language issues and social integration in everyday university life. The initiative offers diverse activities and support programs that are open to everyone. Students at the University of Stuttgart are welcome to volunteer.
Contact: Manar Al Khawam
The “Begegnungsraum” is an open meeting place for locals and newcomers and serves as a place to exchange information and to network. The weekly Chai Time session serves as a great starting point for newcomers. This session offers an opportunity to make new friends and find support, to get information about ongoing activities in the Begegnungsraum, or simply to play games and have conversations in a cozy atmosphere.
Contact: Adelheid Schulz
- For start of studies in summer semester 2025:
Nominations: until March 15, 2024 (uni-internal deadline: March 10, 2024) - Application
The University of Stuttgart is providing assistance to its partner institution, Donetsk National Technical University (DonNTU), that suffered significantly from the Russian war of aggression. This aid is being extended through the DAAD project "Ukraine Digital: Ensuring academic success in times of crisis". The project aims to maintain DonNTU's educational programmes, enhance the digital teaching abilities of its faculty, and aid researchers and students who face restricted access to education due to the impact of forced migration and infrastructure damage.
Contact: Elena von Klitzing
The Welcome Campus for Refugees, in cooperatoin with the School for Talents, is taking part in the DAAD programme "Future Ukraine Scholarship Programme for Refugees from Ukraine at German Universities" through the "Bridge Builders" initiative. The project focuses on targeted support for individuals, support for Ukrainian scholarship holders at the university and the design of a practice-oriented programme, which includes coaching in leadership skills, networking, project work and the transfer of specialist knowledge.
Contact: Elena von Klitzing

Elena von Klitzing
Head of Welcome Campus for Refugees
- Profile page
- +49 711 685 68609
- Write e-mail
- Consultations by appointment