This picture shows Assoc.-Prof. Hanaa Dahy

Assoc.-Prof. Hanaa Dahy

Areas of Research: Adaptive Building, Architecture and Housing, Lightweight Structures, Materials Science-New Materials-Biomaterials, Bioeconomy/Biointelligence
Thematic Priority: ecologic building materials and systems, product design and digital fabrication, sustainability, smart materials, architecture inspired by nature, biomimetics

Field of Work

The Department of Biobased Materials and Materials Cycles in Architecture (BioMat) has the goal to merge the fields of design, sustainable materials developments, form-finding, fabrication, biomimetics, space realization and smart systems in architecture. Teaching, research, form generation, material development and production as well as industrial projects are highly networked. BioMat offers architecture students and industry partners the opportunity to participate in current research projects within the framework of sustainable and intelligent building systems.

One of our missions as architects and engineers at BioMat is to examine different sustainability aspects in architecture. Function-oriented design methods, form-finding, spatial realizations and naturally inspired structural forms, combined with specialized material knowledge, digital fabrication including composites production techniques form together our research strategies with strong industrial cooperation.

Research pavilion of the BioMat group made of curved wood and biocomposite elements.

Photo Gallery

Personal Information

Hanaa Dahy, born 1980 in Cairo, is a registered architect and had finished her doctoral studies from 2010 to 2014 at the University of Stuttgart. She studied Architectural Engineering in Cairo with honors (Hons.) in 2003 and earned her Master degree in 2006. She established her office in 2003 in Cairo and have worked there academically and in practice till 2009. In the frame of her Juniorprofessorship, Dahy established and directed her (BioMat) department, “Bio-based Materials and Materials Cycles in Architecture” at the Institute of Building Structures and Structural Design. She is now Associate Professor of Sustainable Design and Integrated Technology at Aalborg University in Copenhagen and the Managing Director of BioMat TGU at TTI GmbH in Stuttgart.

Dahy has European and international patents, earned the best of Materials and Design award (Materialica) in Munich in 2015 and the Material Prize award (MaterialPreis) in 2016 from the Design Center of the state Baden-Württemberg in Germany, a fellowship for the innovation of university-teaching in 2016/2017, a number of research/industrial project funds and is a member of a number of European and international scientific and professional bodies.


Assoc.-Prof. Hanaa Dahy
University of Stuttgart
Institute of Building Structures and Structural Design (ITKE)
Dep. BioMat
Tel.: +49 711 685-83280    

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