Field of Work
Prof. Bruhn’s research and teaching is focused on image processing and computer vision. His focus areas here are the reconstruction of objects and persons and their movements based on single and stereo image sequences (e.g. facial performance capture), the qualitative improvement of image and video data (e.g. increasing image resolution in time or space) and the creation of efficient algorithms for real-time-critical applications (e.g. the above-mentioned movement analysis). The algorithms developed within the context of this research have already gone into numerous areas of application in industry. These range from driver assistance systems to hairstyle simulations and special effects in Hollywood films. The algorithms have also been used to calculate deformation fields in materials science as well as for the analysis of transport processes in pharmaceutical technology.

Personal Information
Prof. Andrés Bruhn, born in Santiago de Chile in 1976, studied computer engineering at the University of Mannheim and obtained his doctorate at Saarland University in 2006. Having worked as a research assistant at the Chair of Mathematical Image Analysis for four years, he set up his own independent junior research group under the title “Vision and Image Processing” at the Saarbrücken “Multimodal Computing and Interaction” (MMCI) Cluster of Excellence from 2010 onwards. He has been professor of computer science at the University of Stuttgart since March 2012. Here he runs the Intelligent Systems department at the Institute for Visualization and Interactive Systems (VIS).
Bruhn has received a number of awards for his research achievements: these include the Longuet-Higgins Prize of the European Conference on Computer Vision (2004), the Olympus Prize of the German Association for Pattern Recognition (2006) and the Dissertation Award of the German Computer Science Society (2007). 2014 he was awarded with the Koenderink Prize for Fundamental Contributions in Computer Vision.