Field of Work
Drive Technology - Smart Actuators - Magnetic Levitation Drives - Thermal Analysis and Coil Technology - Piezoelectric Drives - Inductive Energy Transmission - Precision Injection Molding - Variothermal Inductive Temperature Control - Demolding Force Measurements

Personal Information
Bernd Gundelsweiler studied Precision Engineering at the University of Stuttgart and received his PhD in 2003. Main research areas are actuators and mechatronics. From 2003 to 2018 he was employed in the automotive industry. The management of an international group of automotive suppliers had been the major task for eleven years. Since October 2018 he became professor at the Institute of Precision Engineering at the University of Stuttgart. He is member of the supervisory board from Hahn-Schickard-Gesellschaft, board member of Innovationsnetzwerk Schwarzwald-Baar-Heuberg and automotive advisor at WVIB.