Field of Work
Cities are the spatial and built-up manifestations of social processes that are subject to constant change. For these reasons, the city can never be seen as a static entity, but rather, it stands for a continual and dynamic dialogue between users and space. The Chair of Urban Planning and Design is seen as a platform that offers an interdisciplinary space for discussion as to how this dialogue can be conducted in a constructive and stimulating manner in the areas of practice, teaching and research, and also, how the spatial conditions for interaction can be designed.
Transformative and transdisciplinary approaches make it possible to get close to a subject area in research and teaching in a manner that is as holistic as possible, to project ideas into a possible future, and to employ designing as a tool in the discourse on space.

Personal Information
The architect and urban planner Martina Baum, born 1977, has been director of the Städtbau-Institute and professor for Urban Planning and Design since 2014. She studied at Bauhaus University Weimar and Coburg University of Applied Sciences and Arts, obtaining her doctorate at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology KIT. She has been involved in research and teaching for many years, including a period spent at ETH Zurich. Her practical work for well-known bureaus in Germany and the Netherlands led to her establishing her own bureau Studio Urbane Strategien based in Stuttgart in 2008.