Field of Work
His current research is focused on system dynamics, including methods of system theory, modeling, simulation, control engineering and optimization . The institute deals with systems of a wide range of fields, for example with application in mechatronics, process technology, civil systems technology, and biology. Follwing the philosophy to implement theoretical results for practical applications, an interdisciplinary environment with many fields of research is generated .The institutes success is based on a close cooperation with many public and industrial partners.

Personal Information
Professor Oliver Sawodny is the director of the Institute for System Dynamics at the University of Stuttgart since 2005. He received his Dipl.-Ing. degree in electrical engineering from the University of Karlsruhe in 1991 and his Ph.D. in the field of process measureing and control technology from the University of Ulm in 1996. After accepting a call to the chair of control engineering , he was appointed as director of the Institute for Automation and Systems Eninieering at the University of Ilmenau in 2003. Between 2009 and 2013 he was Dean at the faculty of Engineering Design, Production Engineering and Automotive Engineering at the University of Stuttgart. He is member of the managing-commitee of the Frauenhofer Application Center for systemtechnology and spokes person of the SFB 1244 (collaborative research centre DFG).