Prof. Dr. Jens Anders quantum sensing, quantum technology, spin detection, smart sensors, microelectronic integration of sensors, micro- and nanoelectronics
Prof. Alois Herkommer Optics, Photonics, Optical design, Simulation of optical systems, illumination systems
Prof. Dr. Stefan Legewie System Biology, , Cellular networks, cancer research, gene regulation, simulation and optimization, machine learning
Prof. Dr. Monilola Olayioye cancer research, cell biology, signal transduction, 3D tissue culture models
Prof. Peter P. Pott biomedical actuation, medical systems and devices, advanced light microscopy, medical robotics, vibration technology
Prof. Dr. Miriam Schulte coupled simulations, massively parallel solvers for systems of equations, efficient data structures
Prof. apl. Dr. Christina Wege Bionanotechnologie, Pflanzenvirologie, Smart Materials, Synthetische Biologie, Molekularbiologie