Our Focus
Management of Data and Software at the University of Stuttgart
Research results generated by experiments or computer simulations should be reproducible and understandable. The University of Stuttgart encourages and supports its members in making their data and codes findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable, in short FAIR.
Research and infrastructure work hand in hand to integrate research data management into the research process, to improve the handling of research software and to advance the interoperable description of data and code. These activities not only ensure constantly improved local processes, services and services, but also significantly drive national and international development in the field of research data management.
An interdisciplinary competence centre for research data, FoKUS, supports researchers at the University of Stuttgart in their sustainable handling of data, operates the research data repository DaRUS. Together with data stewards and research software engineers at clusters, collaborative research centres and institutes, the RDM services are integrated into everyday research and training courses, workshops and training sessions are offered. The strategic orientation of research data management at the University of Stuttgart is discussed within the FDM-AG working group.
The University of Stuttgart is a member of the National Research Data Infrastructure NFDI and a participant in the NFDI4Ing, NFDI4Cat, NFDI4Chem, MaRDI and NFDI4MAtWerk consortia. It is also involved in the information platform forschungsdaten.info and the journal bausteine.fdm and also networks with research data managers within DINI e.V., the state of Baden-Wuerttemberg and the TU9 network.
Projects and Participations
[Photos: NFDI e.V., o.A., o.A.]