NFDI - MatWerk

Research Data Infrastructure for Materials Science and Materials Engineering

The scientific consortium NFDI-MatWerk focuses on the research area Materials Science & Materials Engineering 405 & 406 of the DFG subject classification system. The central challenge is the digital representation of materials and their relevant process and load parameters. The digital transformation in materials science and materials engineering is also part of the NFDI-MatWerk's vision: 

Stuttgart @ NFDI - Matwerk

The development of an ontology for the MSE data related to matrix-inclusion microstructure and composites is an important step in organizing and understanding the vast amount of data generated by materials science research. This ontology will provide a structured framework for classifying and describing the different types of microstructures and composites, making it easier to search, compare, and analyze the data. Additionally, an implementation of a storage concept for large fused and linked datasets will be developed to make this data easily accessible through the Digital Materials Environment (DME) and a web-based interface. Furthermore, the integration of the ontology in the NFDI-MatWerk knowledge graph and FAIR-DOs (FAIR Digital Objects) will allow for more data integration and advanced semantic search capabilities, making it easier for researchers to find the data they need for their research. Overall, our work is aimed at making materials science research more efficient and effective by providing better access to high-quality data.


This image shows Felix Fritzen

Felix Fritzen

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dipl.-Math. techn.

Data Analytics in Engineering

This image shows Amir Laadhar

Amir Laadhar



[Photo: Amir Laadhar]

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