Ten reasons to study for a doctoral degree at the University of Stuttgart
The University of Stuttgart
- is considered one of the most outstanding technical research universities in Germany, with a worldwide reputation
- is a hub for academic, non-academic and industrial research
- sees itself as a guarantor of holistic, research-oriented teaching with a focus on quality
- stands for the interdisciplinary integration of engineering, natural sciences, the humanities and social sciences based on top-level research in the various disciplines with its “Stuttgart method”
- is nestled in one of Europe's most vibrant industrial regions, and enjoys cooperative arrangements with companies and institutions in the local area as well as across Germany and worldwide
- is one of the universities which gets the most external funding in Germany
- offers excellent conditions for research
- provides doctoral candidates with a variety of cross-disciplinary qualifications, information and advisory services and a number of mentoring programs
- provides staff with individual support via a range of measures and personnel development and health management programs
- is committed to equal opportunities and family friendliness
Different doctorate opportunities
There are a variety of ways to gain a doctoral degree:
Individual doctoral studies
- Individual freedom in choosing the topic and supervisor.
- A doctoral degree may be done in any subject area represented at the University of Stuttgart.
- You can freely choose a potential supervisor from among 10 different faculties and around 150 institutes.
- You can draw on the full range of qualifications offered by the graduate academy.
Structured doctoral studies
- You are part of a larger research association.
- You work on a research topic across different disciplines and working together with several, largely also international doctoral candidates.
- You complete a comprehensive professional and interdisciplinary qualification program.
Find out more about the doctoral studies programs which you can apply for.
Additional programs, support, further education during studies
- Certificate: Gender and Diversity Skills
For doctoral researchers and students
Team of the Graduate Academy GRADUS
Pfaffenwaldring 5c, 70569 Stuttgart

Jürgen Hädrich
Dr.Managing Director GRADUS