You do not need to pay tuition for your doctoral program studies at a German university. However, you do have to cover your living expenses.
Most individual doctoral degree candidates at the University of Stuttgart already have a paid doctoral student job and work as research assistants for the University. If they are in structured PhD programs, they are also supported financially. Still another financing option for doctoral students is through outside employment.
If you are especially talented and motivated, you may also consider applying for a scholarship to cover your living expenses. Germany has many foundations, public agencies, and research organizations capable of supporting you and your research with a scholarship.
Additional funding options exist especially for women and international doctoral students.
General information and foundation search
- List of scholarships intermediated by the University of Stuttgart, with the liaison lecturers and contact persons for each
- University of Stuttgart information and counseling resources for research funding and third-party grant applications (only available in German)
- Funding for doctoral students - Information from the Federal Ministry for Education and Research
- Scholarship Guide (only available in German) of the Federal Ministry for Education and Research
- Stifterverband Scholarships from A to Z (only available in German)
- Foundation Search (only available in German) on the foundations portal of the Federal Association of German Foundations
Scholarships for the highly gifted
- Stipendium Plus – A coalition of 13 organizations housed in the Federal Ministry for Education and Research to foster young talent
- Announcement of the doctoral scholarships of the Landesgraduiertenförderung Baden-Württemberg: Information on the doctoral scholarships will be announced here at the time of publication of the announcement.
Scholarships by discipline and specialized field
- Business management: Prize awards by the BÜROPA Foundation [de]
- Biology/ Biomedicine: Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds – Foundation for Basic Medical Research
- Chemistry: FCI - Chemical Industry Fund [de]
- German studies/literary studies: Foundation for Education and Research [de]
Topic-specific doctoral degree scholarships
- Environmental problems: German Federal Environmental Foundation
- Promotion of building Europe or European cooperation: Robert-Schumann-Foundation
Support for women
- Christiane Nüsslein-Volhard-Foundation: For female doctoral students in a field of the experimental natural sciences or medicine who have one child
- Hildegardis-Society (only available in German): Interest-free loans for Christian women in all academic specialties
- Fast Track - Program of the Robert Bosch Foundation
- Irene-Rosenberg-Program [de]
- Brigitte Schlieben-Lange-Program [de]
- Margarete von Wrangell-Program [de]
- Mathilde-Planck-Program [de]
- TEAching Equality [de]
- UNESCO-L’Oréal Support Program
- Center of Excellence for Women in Science/ CEWS
The Unit for Inclusive University Culture (uniqUS) counsels and informs young female scientists for a succesful application about the research promotions programmes intended specifically for women.
Information for international doctoral students
In Germany, many foundations, research organizations and public institutions also support highly qualified doctoral students, including those from other countries.
The largest scholarship provider for international doctoral students is the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). On its website you will also find a scholarship data base that covers both DAAD scholarships and those offered by other institutions.
The University of Stuttgart's International Office provides support and answers to questions regarding your stay here. It can refer you to German language lessons and scholarship opportunities for doctoral students from other countries. Contact your advisor at the International Office.
Team of the Graduate Academy GRADUS
Pfaffenwaldring 5c, 70569 Stuttgart

Jürgen Hädrich
Dr.Managing Director GRADUS