Tenure-track professorship

A transparent and predictable path to a scientific career

Since 2006, the University of Stuttgart has offered early career researchers a reliable development perspective at an early stage with the tenure-track professorship. As part of the university’s overall strategy, there are plans to gradually expand this career pathway following a successful test phase.

The tenure-track professorship strengthens the young researcher’s career perspectives by making their career paths more reliable, transparent and easier to plan, as well as by strengthening their academic independence at an early stage and making them more competitive on the international stage. Boosted by a comprehensive accompanying program, the tenure-track foundation also helps promote equal opportunities and a better work-life balance.

For this reason, the University of Stuttgart has committed itself to introducing a structural and cultural change across the university, and advertising up to 20 percent of all professorships as tenure-track professorships in the long term. In order to achieve this ambitious goal, the University of Stuttgart receives funding from the federal and state government program to promote early career researchers in the first approval round to establish twelve additional tenure-track professorships. In the second approval round, the University of Stuttgart secured all eight tenure-track professorships which had been applied for [de].

The tenure-track process

The tenure-track process at the University of Stuttgart generally lasts for a period of six years. At the end of this period, if the tenure evaluation is positive then the candidate is awarded a permanent professorship. An interim evaluation is also held after three years in which the candidate’s performance thus far is assessed, so that any necessary guidance can be given and any negative developments identified at an early stage. In justified exceptional cases, the tenure process can be initiated at an earlier stage after a positive interim evaluation.

From the appointment through to the tenure evaluation the process follows transparent and predictable rules, which are laid down in the statute and the quality assurance concept [de].

A wide range of development offerings

Tenure-track professorships receive a competitive starting package, which includes a temporary position in the scientific service. On request, tenure-track professors are each provided with two mentors, who can provide advice on career planning or regarding evaluations.

On route to a university professorship

The University of Stuttgart also offers an accompanying certificate program for further development, which supports you on your way to a permanent university professorship. This program includes specific qualification, networking and support services to expand interdisciplinary competencies.

About the certificate program

Additional attractive services for tenure-track professors at the University of Stuttgart include flexible childcare programs, family-friendly arrangements regarding working hours and workplaces [de], as well as a comprehensive service package for dual-career couples.


If you are interested in our tenure-track program or have any other questions about the process, feel free to send us an e-mail. For inquiries about specific tenure-track professorships, please contact the relevant person for the particular call for tender.

Current advertisment of the tenure-track professorship

You can find advertisements for professorships at the University of Stuttgart in the university’s job portal. In the overview, you can also see which professorships with tenure track are currently open.

This image shows Felix Rehschuh

Felix Rehschuh


Head of the Office of Academic Appointments and Committees


Program coordination

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