![Wolfram Ressel, Rektor der Universität Suttgart](https://www.uni-stuttgart.de/forschung/forschung-leben/11-2018/img_112018/ressel2.jpg?__scale=w:1170,h:320,cx:0,cy:1226,cw:2000,ch:547)
Gesundheit! Health – is something we all wish to enjoy. Usually, this “greatest good” is ranked higher among the good wishes than categories such as happiness and success. Health-related research has a correspondingly high social value, whereby health research is often equated with medical science per se. However, being able to fully exploit this field of research for the benefit of mankind requires interdisciplinary collaboration between all specialist disciplines and faculties.
In accordance with our vision of “intelligent systems for a sustainable society”, the University of Stuttgart will be focusing even more on the medically-oriented disciplines in the context of the engineering and natural sciences as well as the humanities. But, you can read about the latest fi ndings and achievements in the fi eld of health research that our university can already pass on to society at large in this edition of forschung leben. The various articles provide insights into interdisciplinary research projects in the fi elds of simulation technologies, quantum mechanics, the human as a system, medical engineering, personalized medicine, digitalization in medicine and nursing as well as sport and preventative medicine.
The successful cutting edge research carried out at our university will continue to make valuable contributions to preserving or restoring human health in future.
Wolfram Ressel, Rektor, University of Stuttgart
As the final preparations for this edition of forschung leben were being made, a decision was taken by the Excellence Commission to select two clusters with which the University of Stuttgart had applied for a grant in the context of the Excellence Initiative of the federal and state governments of Germany, which will now receive funding for seven years starting on the 1st of January 2019. The clusters in question are the “Data-Integrated Simulation Sciences Cluster of Excellence”, whose objective is the development of a new class of modelling and computational methods to elevate the usability and precision of simulations, and consequently the reliability of decisions based on them, to a new level of quality, and the “Integrative Computer-Based Planning and Construction for Architecture Cluster of Excellence”, which plans to exploit the full potential of digital technologies to reconceptualize planning and construction.
With these achievements, the University of Stuttgart will be putting everything into emphatically pursuing its objectives in the specifi ed strategic fi elds over the next few years. Thus, the successful cutting edge research carried out at our university will continue to make valuable contributions to preserving or restoring human health in the future.
I would like to wish you an enjoyable read – hopefully in good health!
Wolfram Ressel