Ukrainian researchers at the University of Stuttgart
What steps do scientists take before they arrive at the University of Stuttgart? In a four-part series, Ukrainian researchers from the University of Stuttgart take us on their journey to Germany. They talk about the highs and lows they have experienced in the past months and about what has changed for them since their arrival.
The Welcome Center for international researchers is a central service point at the University of Stuttgart for international doctoral students, postdoctoral researchers and professors.
Our goal is to help you settle in quickly and make the most of your stay at the University of Stuttgart. Therefore we provide information and consultation services regarding all non-academic matters of your stay. We also cooperate with other services and institutions within and outside the university and can connect you with the ones that fit your needs.
- Registration
To be able to offer you our services, we kindly request all new international doctoral students, postdoctoral researchers and professors to register online
- Events for international researchers
Check out the events we regulary organize for international researchers. Networking and leisure events, informational sessions on important topics when living and working in Germany as well as intercultural workshops are on offer.
- Support for institutes
The Welcome Center supports institutes of the University of Stuttgart in employing/hosting international scholars by providing checklists (in German) of what needs to be taken care of before and upon arrival as well as during and at the end of the stay of international researchers.
- Consultation hours
You can find the Welcome Center for International Scholars in the International Center (IZ) on campus Vaihingen. We offer both face-to-face and online consultations. Please arrange an individual appointment by phone or e-mail (contact see below).

Raphaela Diel
Head of Welcome Center for international researchers
- Profile page
- +49 711 685 68999
- Write e-mail
- Please schedule an appointment by e-mail or phone for a personal online or face-to face consultation.

Katja Jenkner
Advisor for International Doctoral Students
- Profile page
- +49 711 685 68546
- Write e-mail
- Please schedule an appointment by e-mail or phone for a personal online or face-to face consultation.
Josephine Mothes
Advisor for international researchers, events & general enquiries
- Profile page
- +49 711 685 68613
- Write e-mail
- Please schedule an appointment by e-mail or phone for a personal online or face-to face consultation.