General information about living in Stuttgart is provided by the main website of the city of Stuttgart. The sub-site Region Stuttgart offers an overview of the must-sees and the touristical highlights in and around Stuttgart. The Welcome Center Stuttgart is an extensive information source for new international residents to take their first steps in Stuttgart.
To get information on culture, sport, party and outdoor activities in and around Stuttgart we recommend the event calender of the city of Stuttgart and the intercultural city guide. The website of the Staatstheater Stuttgart informs you about the current programme of the opera, ballet and theater.
If you intend to practice sports you can check out the sport associations (Sportvereine).
More than 100 different migrant associations exist in Stuttgart. A list of them can be found at the Forum der Kulturen Stuttgart.
For more information about mosques or prayer places for Muslims, places of worship for Hindus and churches for many Christian denominations at the university and in Stuttgart please ask the Ecumenical Centre or visit the website of the VVS which provides you with a city map (religious institutions) with addresses.
Each semester the University of Stuttgart’s Language Center (Sprachenzentrum) offers German language courses on different levels for academic staff as well as visiting researchers. A fee is imposed. The current program can be found on their website.
The Language Center (Sprachenzentrum) also offers online German language self-study courses on the levels A2, B 1, B 2 and C1
If you would like to improve your German or practice another language together with a native speaker, the Language Center of the University of Stuttgart can help you find a so-called Tandempartner. The German community colleges also offer a tool to search Tandempartners.
The Welcome Center Stuttgart (Weltcafé) also maintains a current database of German courses in Stuttgart and surrounding areas at various levels in public and private institutions.
The Volkshochschule, Stuttgarts community college, offers a large range of inexpensive language courses. German as a foreign language is offered on all levels.
The Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen (ifa) is specialized on German as a Foreign Language. Other private language schools can be found on the homepage of the city of Stuttgart.
Additionally, the Deutscher Volkshochschul-Verband offers a learning portal "ich-will-lernen" to support verbal, social and work-related integration.
The radio program Deutsche Welle provides free online German courses and a number of additional services (e.g. slowly spoken news in German). Use interactive, free apps like Duolingo as vocabulary trainer.
Up-to-date information about German politics, culture, society and history is available on How Germany ticks and Facts about Germany. An extensive overview about traveling, movies, art and lifestyle is provided by Deutsche Welle.
German universities do not provide medical service for students and staff on campus. The addresses of doctors, dentists, and hospitals can be found online. This site also enables you to find medical doctors who speak other languages than German. Choose a language in the search criteria "Erweiterte Suche" -> "Fremdsprache".
Generally speaking, you have to make an appointment with the doctor before you go. Some general practitioners also have open consultation hours. Don’t forget to take along your health card (Gesundheitskarte) if you are insured through statutory German health insurance. If you hold a European health insurance card, present this at the doctor’s. If you are insured through a private health insurance, take along your insurance policy and make sure the doctor takes notice of it, so that she/he knows how to charge you for his/her services.
If you become ill at night or during the weekend you may call the on-call duty 116 117. In case of an emergency you can directly go to the Emergency Medical Service of Stuttgart doctors on duty or call 112 for an ambulance.
The Graduate Academy of the University of Stuttgart (GRADUS) supports researchers at various stages of their career. It offers qualifications and mentoring programs adapted to your needs at the current stage of your career and to the respective career orientation. Other services include individual counseling as well as coaching.
Unimusik gives you the chance to sing in the choir or participate in the orchestra of the University of Stuttgart. You may also join other activities such as campus gardening MitMachGarten, the photography group or play theatre, etc.
As employee or guest of the University of Stuttgart you may also benefit from a large sports program provided by the Hochschulsport Stuttgart. Registration and payment take place online.
There are two large sites of the university library or Universitätsbibliothek (UB), one branch situated on the Campus Stadtmitte and the other branch on Campus Vaihingen.
The Ecumenical Center (Ökumenisches Zentrum/ÖZ) located on Campus Vaihingen is run by both the Protestant and the Catholic Church. Services (consultation, events, etc.) are open to all students, staff and guests of the University of Stuttgart independent of their religious affiliation. The ÖZ also offers a room for silence and prayer (Raum der Stille) which is available for everyone from Monday to Friday.
The IZKT (Internationales Zentrum für Kultur und Technikforschung) organizes lectures and events addressing current topics at the interface of technology, culture and society. Cooperating with non-university institutions, the IZKT has developed into a forum for interdisciplinary and international exchange.
Welcome reception for new international researchers
Our Welcome Reception focuses on internal networking within the University’s research community. We invite both new and established international researchers to get together and share experiences in an informal setting.
When?: Tuesday, October 1, 2024, from noon to 2 p.m.
Where?: Foyer at the IZ
Prior Registration: Yes, you can find all further information in the info flyer.
Contribution: None
Guided city tour of Stuttgart (spring and autumn)
A tour guide will take you on a stroll around the city center of Stuttgart and show you the most important places of interest.
When?: TBA
Where?: City center, Tourist-Information i-Punkt, Königstraße 1a, 70173 Stuttgart
Prior Registration: Here you can find the flyer of the past event.
Contribution: None
Health care in Germany
This informative event will mainly focus on what you can except from the German statutory health insurance system. Its benefits including in- and outpatient treatment, preventive health check-up for adults and children, vaccination or medication will be explained in detail. Topics such as sick leave or how to locate a doctor who speaks your language however are also relevant for those with a private health insurance scheme.
When?: Thursday, October 17, 2024 at 5 p.m.
Where?: Online via Webex (access link will be available upon registration)
Prior Registration: Yes. You can find further information in the info flyer.
Contribution: None
Income tax
Income tax is paid by every employee in Germany above a certain yearly salary. A tax statement addressed to the local tax office might result in an re-adjustment of the taxes due and thus entitle you to a partial tax refund. This lecture will give you important hints on how to do your tax declaration.
When?: Thursday, September 21, 2023 at 5 p.m.
Where?: Online via Webex (access link will be available upon registration)
Prior Registration: Yes, you can find further information in our info flyer.
Contribution: None
International Picnic day
A Get-Together for international researches, their famliy and colleagues to enjoy the warm season in a park in Stuttgart. Bring a dish typical of your home country or simply your favourite dish along. Drinks will be provided.
When?: TBA
Where?: Unithekle (outside), Allmandring 17, 70569 Stuttgart
Prior Registration: Here you can find the info flyer of our past event.
Contribution: Bring a dish typical of your country of origin
Renting an apartment in Germany
If you rent an private apartment in Germany, issues such as deposit, incidental rental expenses, rent increase or decorative repairs might arise. This lecture will explain these and other topics around a tenancy.
When?: TBA
Where?: Online via Webex
Prior Registration: Here you can find the flyer of the past event.
Contribution: None
Your rights and obligations as an employee
Your work contract, the collective labour agreement for the public service as well as employment law defines the mutual relationship between employee and employer. If you would like to know more about your rights and duties resulting, you should not miss this informative meeting.
When?: Thursday, November 25, 2024, at 5 p.m.
Where?: Online via Webex.
Prior Registration: Register via ILIAS or e-mail. You can find further information in our info-flyer.
Contribution: None
Pension insurance in Germany
Would you like to learn more about your pension rights in Germany after your stay here?
How is pension insurance organized in Germany? Will I be entitled to get a pension from Germany when I reach pension age? These questions and many more will be answered in English by our experts on Pension insurance.
When?: TBA
Where?: Online
Prior Registration: -
Contribution: None
Christmas season's Get-Together
You and your family are cordially invited to a Christmas Season’s Get-Together in the IZ. Join us to enjoy seasonal goodies and hot punch, to listen and sing along to typical German Christmas carols as well as to learn about German Christmas traditions.
When?: TBA
Where?: Foyer International Centre, Pfaffenwaldring 60 (IZ), Campus Vaihingen
Prior Registration: Here you can find the flyer of the past event.
Contribution: None
TK Campus Run
Do you want to work out and network? Here is your opportunity! After a 4-year break, the TK CampUS Run will take place again this summer! Participants can once again expect a beautiful route that will take them past offices, halls of residence, institutes and the entire university campus.
When? TBA
Where? TBA
What? 6 km und 12 km (running), 6 km (walking)
Who? Students and employees from the University of Stuttgart, external parties
Prios registration: -
This year there will be two distances: You can choose between 6 km and 12 km. In addition, there will also be a CampUS-Walk over a distance of 6 km. The 6 km runners will run the lap once. The 12 km runners have to complete the lap twice. Before the event, there will be a joint warm-up on the grass in the stadium. Timing will be exclusively via a transponder, which is available for a deposit of €5 . In addition to the individual classification, there is also a team classification for the largest team. Late registrations are subject to a small surcharge of 5€. Further information can be found on the website of the University Sports.
Excursion: Pumpkin exhibition
On our excursion to Ludwigsburg, you will experience unconventional art, vibrant colors and everything pumpkin flavored. Your family members are invited to join us.
When? Sunday, October 27, 2024, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Where? Ludwigsburg (see info flyer)
Prior registration? Yes, you can find all further information in the info flyer
Contribution: We will cover part of your ticket price (unfortunately not that of your family members) if you have registered via ILIAS.
Temporary residence permits in Germany are usually valid for one year when issued for the first time by the local Foreigners' Registration Office (“Ausländerbehörde”). If you intend to stay longer, as an employee of the University of Stuttgart or as a visiting scholar, you must extend this permit. Note that the Foreigners' Registration Office does not routinely notify you if your residence permit is due to expire. It is therefore necessary to take steps well in advance to avoid an illegal stay.
You must present the following documents to obtain an EU Blue Card:
- Filled in and signed application for an extension of your residence permit (form for Stuttgart as download)
- Passport
- Residence permit that is about to expire
- Up-to-date biometrical photo (information about biometric photos)
- Registration certificate
- Up-to-date proof of health insurance
- Up-to-date residence certificate ("Wohnraumnachweis"), to be filled in and signed by your landlord (download of the form for Stuttgart (in German))
- Up-to-Date rental contract
- Hosting Agreement signed by yourself and the university if you want to extend your residence permit for research
- Confirmation letter of your institute expressing the wish to employ you further
- Proof of sufficient funds (scholarship letter or your last salary slips and bank statements of the last three months)
- Other documents depending on your personal circumstances, e.g. marriage certificate, birth certificate(s), etc.
- If you want to apply for an EU Blue Card (first check whether you meet the criteria!), instead of a hosting agreement, you need a ‘declaration regarding a contract of employment’ ("Erklärung zum Beschäftigungsverhältnis"). Your institute and the HR department of the University of Stuttgart must complete this document.
Scan all of these documents and send them to the Foreigners‘ Registration Office via e-mail, asking for an appointment for an extension (e-mail for the city of Stuttgart: auslaenderrecht@stuttgart.de). Save the e-mail as a proof of having applied in time before your visa runs out. Your timely application to the Foreigners’ Registration Office already has a fictitious effect according to §81, 4 German Residence Act and entitles you to legal residence in Germany until the Foreigners' Registration Office contacts you again.
If your visa/residence permit is due to expire in less than 7 days, you can make an emergency appointment (Notfall-Termin) with the Foreigners' Registration Office.
Please inform your supervisor, as you may need to visit the Foreigners' Registration Office at short notice after receiving their e-mail in the morning.
You will be given an appointment to receive an up-dated version of your electronic residence permit (“eAT”) or you will receive a ‘provisional paper residence permit’ (“Fiktionsbescheinigung“) by mail. The handling charge is around EUR 93. Hand your new residence permit in at the HR department, so that your contract can be extended correspondingly.

Raphaela Diel
Head of Welcome Center for international researchers
- Profile page
- +49 711 685 68999
- Write e-mail
- Please schedule an appointment by e-mail or phone for a personal online or face-to face consultation.

Katja Jenkner
Advisor for International Doctoral Students
- Profile page
- +49 711 685 68546
- Write e-mail
- Please schedule an appointment by e-mail or phone for a personal online or face-to face consultation.
Josephine Mothes
Advisor for international researchers, events & general enquiries
- Profile page
- +49 711 685 68613
- Write e-mail
- Please schedule an appointment by e-mail or phone for a personal online or face-to face consultation.