Registration at the Welcome Center

Online Registration at the Welcome Center

Please fill out the following form to register at the Welcome Center of the University of Stuttgart.

All fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.

Privacy statement

Data protection according Art. 13 GDPR: I have been provided with the privacy information regarding the registration at the Welcome Center of the International Office. 

Controller and data protection officer

Responsible body under data protection laws

Data protection officer

University of Stuttgart
Keplerstraße 7
70174 Stuttgart
Telephone: +49 711 685-0

University of Stuttgart
Data protection officer
Geschwister-Scholl-Str. 24b
70174 Stuttgart
Tel: +49 711 685-83687

Information concerning the controller and data protection officer can be found in the data protection declaration of the University.

Description of data
An uncoded e-mail in clear text will be generated from the information you provide in the registration form, and will be sent to the Welcome Center of the International Office of the University of Stuttgart. In order to contact you via e-mail, we need all statements marked with a * (Form of Address, Last Name, First Name, Nationality, E-mail, Home (or Former) Institution, Country of Home (or Former) Institution, Host Institute at the University of Stuttgart, Name of Host Professor / Contact Person, E-mail of Host Professor / Contact Person, Funding, (Planned) Arrival in Stuttgart, (Planned) End of your Research Stay, Accompanying Family Members and Are you in need of individual support?). In addition to your entries in the form fields, the date and time will be recorded in the generated e-mail.

The contact form enables a simplified means of getting in touch with the Welcome Center of the University of Stuttgart electronically, without an e-mail program needing to be used.

Legal basis
The legal basis is Article 6 Paragraph 1 Letter e) GDPR together with Article 6 Paragraph 3 GDPR and § 4 of the State Data Protection Act (Landesdatenschutzgesetz).

Your message is received by the employees and student assistants in the Welcome Center of the International Office of the University. On the basis of the content, the Welcome Center will answer directly.

Storage duration
The personal data you enter in this form will be processed solely for the purpose stated and will be deleted after five years. After the five years have passed, the e-mail and all related data will be deleted.

Consequences of non-provision, right of objection and correction
The use of the form is voluntary. If you do not wish to use the form or to send us an e-mail, you can also get in touch with the Welcome Center of the University of Stuttgart personally during our opening hours or by calling +49 711 685-68999.

You are free to provide your name and e-mail address in the form of a pseudonym when entering data, which means that the University cannot assign the information to a person. Should you not wish for your identity to be disclosed, it may then be the case that your matter cannot be processed. 
You have the right to receive information from the university concerning the data saved in relation to your person and/or to have incorrectly saved data corrected. In addition, you have the right to deletion or to have the processing restricted or to object to the processing. For this purpose, please contact the International Office at the University of Stuttgart. Please note that in case of the deletion of data, optimal support may not be guaranteed.

Your rights
Information concerning your rights can be found in the data protection declaration of the University of Stuttgart.

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