The strategic profile area of Aerospace Technologies is recognized as a key technology driver that transcends disciplinary boundaries and is closely connected to our modern, mobile information, communication, and knowledge-oriented society. The University of Stuttgart has built a strong expertise over decades, contributing to the advancement of the field through its diverse teaching and research activities. It boasts excellent infrastructure, including various wind tunnels and test benches.
This profile area is characterized by strong local, national and international networking with partners from research and industry and encompasses numerous engineering and scientific fields, such as aerospace systems, lightweight construction, electrical engineering, energy and communication technology, computer science, materials science, physics and geodesy. A central focus is on researching innovative approaches for technological solutions that enable sustainable progress in aerospace while minimizing environmental impact.
The future development of aerospace will largely depend on the ability to research, develop and implement technological solutions to reduce the environmental impact of its activities.
Prof. Stefanos Fasoulas and Prof. Stephan Staudacher, spokespersons SFB 1667 ATLAS and SFB-TRR 364 SynTrac
Research alliances
[Photos: o.A., o.A., o.A., University of Stuttgart/ Institute of Aerodynamics and Gas Dynamics]
Study program
The aerospace engineering study program is all about flying, both inside and outside the earth's atmosphere. Are you interested in airplanes, helicopters, rockets, and satellites? If so, you’ve come to the right place! The University of Stuttgart allows you to specialize in this area as early as your Bachelor's degree. In addition to scientific and mathematical skills, you will acquire engineering and application-oriented knowledge during your studies. You will work on aerospace issues and applications right from the start.
- Our study programs in the field of aerospace
Bachelor and master
Excellent conditions for research, studies and cooperation
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[Photos: ICD/ITKE/University of Stuttgart, HyEnD / University of Stuttgart]

Stefanos Fasoulas
Prof. Dr.-Ing.Professor of Space Transportation Technology, Managing Director, Dean of Studies at Faculty 6 - Aerospace Technology and Geodesy

Sabine Klinkner
Prof. Dr.-Ing.Professor of satellite technology, Deputy Director

Stephan Staudacher
Prof. Dr.-Ing.Head of Institute