The image shows a three-dimensionally depicted lung tissue with a porous structure. A red laser beam is directed at the surface of the tissue. The lower areas of the tissue are highlighted in red, possibly indicating blood supply or vascular structures. In the background, natural lung lobes can be faintly seen. On the right side, a golden tool or component is visible interacting with the tissue. The scene has a scientific and technological character.

Biomedical Systems and Robotics for Health

Strategic profile area

Research on intelligent biomedical solutions for personalized healthcare.

The most pressing societal and scientific challenges lie in the field of medicine. Fusing biosciences and engineering is key to radically improving biomedical research and technologies available in the health care sector.

Highly precise diagnostics, personalized therapies, for example, for cancer, novel antibiotics or innovative rehabilitation systems, such as exoskeletons or neuroprosthetics will offer substantial benefits over conventional solutions and help prevent or alleviate illness and disease.

Combined research expertise

Combining expertise from various fields, the research area "Biomedical Systems and Robotics for Health" at the University of Stuttgart is in a unique position to contribute to new biomedical solutions. The internationally renowned team unites research expertise in biotechnology and bioengineering, sensors and nanotechnology, as well as biointelligent devices and robotics.

Biomedical Systems connects the dots to enable cutting-edge science to improve patients’ lives.

Prof. Dr. Monilola Olayioye, Lead of the Scientific Coordination Team

[Photos: University of Stuttgart (Max Kovalenko), University of Stuttgart (SRCSB), University of Stuttgart (Celia Lozano, MPI for Intelligent Systems)]

Excellent research conditions

Researching intelligent biomedical systems demands a deep understanding of modeling and simulation - areas of expertise that are key strengths of the University of Stuttgart: with the Cluster of Excellence "Data-Integrated Simulation Technology" (SimTech) the university is home to an outstanding research center for simulation science with state-of-the-art facilities. Furthermore, the University of Stuttgart is one of only three research institutions in Germany that hosts a world-class High Performance Computing Center (HLRS).

In addition, the research area of "Biomedical Systems and Robotics for Health" collaborates with various external research institutions, as well as with clinical and industrial partners to translate basic research findings into personalized biomedical and health-related applications.


Scientific coordination team

Prof. Dr. Monilola Olayioye, Institute of Cell Biology and Immunology
Prof Dr. Laura Na Liu, 2nd Physics Institute
Prof. Dr. Syn Schmitt, Institute for Modelling and Simulation of Biomechanical Systems


This image shows Monilola Olayioye

Monilola Olayioye

Prof. Dr.

Scientific coordination team, biotechnology and bioengineering

This image shows Laura Na Liu

Laura Na Liu

Prof. Dr.

Scientific coordination team, sensors and nanotechnology

This image shows Syn Schmitt

Syn Schmitt

Prof. Dr.

Scientific coordination team, biointelligent devices and robotics

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