To study a scientific subject in addition to your music or arts teacher training program you must not only be enrolled at the University of Stuttgart but also in an arts or music college.
Information on arts or music combinations in the teacher training program can be found on the websites of the art (Staatliche Akademie der Bildenden Künste Stuttgart) and music colleges (Staatliche Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst Stuttgart). If you have any questions about your application or enrolment please contact the Admissions Office.
General application and enrolment information
- At the University of Stuttgart Bachelor study programs (B.A.) always begin in the winter semester.
- Applications for Bachelor study programs in the summer semester are only considered for those entering higher semesters, not for first semester students.
- It is possible to begin Master study programs (M.Ed.) in both the winter and summer semesters. Please be aware of the application deadlines.
- Please apply via the C@MPUS Campus Management Portal.
- To enroll in a scientific field of study you will need proof of enrolment (enrolment letter) for the arts teacher training program at an arts or music college.
Fees and charges in combination with arts or music in the teaching degree programs
- If you are enrolled at both universities you must pay the semester fee at the arts or music college.
- For double enrolments, the student services fee must be paid at both universities. This means that the student services fee must also be paid to the University of Stuttgart every semester. As proof that you are exempt from paying the other fees/charges at the University of Stuttgart, you are required to submit the current enrolment letter from the arts or music college to the University of Stuttgart in each semester so that your enrolment can be confirmed. Please use our contact form to submit it.
- If you are not (any longer) enrolled in the art or music school for your teaching degree (in other words, have already taken all arts sub-examinations for your teacher training program), you must pay the semester fee due to the University of Stuttgart.
- If tuition fees are due, these must be paid at the university where you pay your semester contribution.

Student Counseling Center

Oksana Linn
Consultation for Teaching Degrees for High School Teachers, and Teaching Degrees at Vocational Schools (Technical Education)
Application, Admission, Enrollment
- Further information
- Your points of contact for application, admission and enrollment on Bachelor's and Master's study programs.