This study program is not offered in English. For further information please visit the German version of the study program.
Technical Biology
The technical biology Bachelor’s study program presents an interdisciplinary profile combining biology and technology that is unique in Germany. The studies concentrate on current, globally relevant challenges in research and industry. Modern biosciences, physics and chemistry (especially biochemistry and technical biochemistry) work closely with engineering-, materials-, and systems sciences and bioprocess engineering.
Numerous research-related laboratory exercises as well as sojourns in industry and abroad ensure a high degree of practical relevance. The study program is in great demand and well reputed in research and business.
Eager for a future in demanding research occupations, you want to learn how scientific work is done. This means you want to discover new things, understand them, classify them, and responsibly develop them. This can be an entire life’s work.
Therefore, you need to have a strong drive to learn and perform, as well as a high degree of self-reliance and motivation. You have staying power and tolerate stress, but above all, you are curious and creative, want to question accepted ways and systematically explore the new. You can acquire fundamental knowledge not only in the life sciences, but also in mathematics, chemistry, physics, computer science, and process engineering – and you enjoy understanding complex relationships and formulating them succinctly.
B.Sc. Technische Biologie (Technical Biology) is a program within the natural sciences that is singular within Germany and offers an interdisciplinary profile, which concentrates on currently relevant worldwide challenges in research and industry. Modern biosciences, physics and chemistry collaborate closely with engineering, materials and systems sciences as well as bioprocess engineering – a unique bridging between biology and technology. The B.Sc. course therefore provides a profound basis in natural and mathematical sciences, knowledge and competences on bioprocess-relevant engineering, and a thorough understanding of fundamental biology, living cells and organismic systems.
Biology develops into a quantitative discipline to an increasing extent, with important roles of data analysis and modelling. Accordingly, already the B.Sc. course conveys knowledge of appropriate mathematical procedures, and trains methods for data analysis and modelling of biological mechanisms. The courses in Technical Biology develop skills and expertise for both industrial jobs and scientific work including Ph.D. (Dr. rer.nat.) projects. Hence they include intense lab courses preparing for the special areas deepened within the M.Sc. program:
- Biomaterials & Nanobiotechnology,
- Pharmaceutical & Industrial Biotechnology,
- Biological Systems.
This is realized through several 'Vertiefungsfächer" within the last terms of the B.Sc. program. They provide fundamental experience with methods important for research areas such as systems biology of bacteria, animals and plants, viruses, cell biology, genetics, neurobiology, biophysics, simulation technology, biomaterials or synthetic biology. Lab courses demonstrate interactions and potential novel technical combinations of biomolecular building blocks and metabolic pathways. Industrial internships and possibilities to study abroad ensure a highly practical education and are highly recommended. Graduates have the educational background to enrol in the M.Sc. program Technical Biology. The program (taught in German language) is highly sought-after and well-known in research and industry.
Studying abroad: what opportunities does my study program offer?
Our students are encouraged to participate in internships and studies abroad, which may be conducted in companies and various institutions for practical work experience, or in universities all over the world. This includes B.Sc. thesis in collaboration with research teams in Stuttgart, with numerous international partners available. Courses and examinations will be accredited for the B.Sc. in Technical Biology. The International Centre IZ and the academic student counsellors provide support upon planning, organizing, preparation of learning agreements and transcripts of courses, and accreditation.
30-40 ECTS may be acquired in a typical stay abroad, most preferably throughout the 4th and 5th B.Sc. term. In addition to own preferences, the ERASMUS partner universities of all faculties will accept students from our course of studies for financially supported international studies. Reports on the experiences during project work and studies abroad are available at the Degree Program Manager of Technical Biology.
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