Frequently requested:
Point of contact for questions about applying to study and studying
You can use this form to contact all the relevant contact persons from various departments, such as the Contact Center, Student Counseling Service, Applications-Admission-Enrollment, Student Services and Examination Office, Tuition Fees and Charges.
Please make sure you write your email address correctly and check if you have received a confirmation email. If you do not receive a confirmation email, please resend the request. Please also check your spam folder! Please use the file upload to upload your requests and attachments (max. 7 MB per file).
Controller and data protection officer
Information concerning the controller and data protection officer can be found in the data protection declaration of the University.
Description of data
An uncoded email in clear text will be generated from the information you provide in the contact form. This email will be sent to the IZUS/TIK service desk system. In order to contact you via e-mail, we need all statements marked with a *. In addition to your entries in the form fields, the date and time will be recorded in the generated email.
Central service desk system
The privacy policy for the central service desk system at the University of Stuttgart informs about the retention period and the protection of personal data in requests forwarded to the central service desk system.
The contact form enables a simplified means of getting in touch with the University of Stuttgart’s Division 3 – Students' Affairs (Contact Center, Student Counselling Center, Application-Admission-Enrollment, Student Service and Examination Office, Fees and Charges) electronically without an email program needing to be used.
Legal basis
The legal basis is Article 6 Paragraph 1 Letter e) GDPR together with Article 6 Paragraph 3 GDPR and § 4 of the State Data Protection Act (Landesdatenschutzgesetz).
Your message is received by the University of Stuttgart’s Division 3 – Students' Affairs (Contact Center, Student Counselling Center, Application-Admission-Enrollment, Student Service and Examination Office, Fees and Charges), depending on your chosen subject. On the basis of the content, we will either answer directly or take a decision concerning who the right point of contact is and passes the email on to this person or department of the University of Stuttgart.
Consequences of non-provision, right of objection and correction
The use of the form is voluntary. You can also get in touch with us by , telephone or by post.
You are free to provide your name and email address in the form of a pseudonym when entering data, which means that the University cannot assign the information to a person. Should you not wish for your identity to be disclosed, it may then be the case that your matter cannot be processed.
Your rights
Information concerning your rights can be found in the data protection declaration of the University.