At the University of Stuttgart all study programs are divided into two levels: First come the study programs leading to a Bachelor’s degree. Next come the study programs leading to a Master’s degree. The Bachelor’s and Master’s qualifications are modularized degree programs.This aligns the programs with the Bologna System, which allows to compare academic credits throughout Europe.
What's a module? What are ECTS?
Information on all study-related terms is published in the University A-Z.
The Bachelor’s and Master’s degree system
Double degrees
University of Stuttgart student have the option of entering double degree programs. These make it possible to obtain degrees from two universities located in different countries. At this time, they are mostly offered in the Master’s studies realm.
Expiring and former degree programs
All regulations for a particular study program are established by the exam regulations for example, which degree it results in or what is required to obtain it. An exam regulation (Prüfungsordnung = PO) remains in force until a new PO is adopted. The new regulation will stipulate transition deadlines within which students are then allowed to complete studies begun under the previous PO.
There is still one outdated degree program at the University of Stuttgart: the First State Examination for High School Teaching. It pertains to students that began their studies prior to the introduction of the modularized exam regulations.