Having health insurance is mandatory for all students. Find out what regulations apply to you and which insurance is recommended.
Please get in touch with your health insurance provider in your home country and ask for guidance. They will provide you with the necessary documents to get medical treatment in Germany and prove your insurance status to German authorities. For EU citizens this document is called the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC).
Doctors will settle any invoices directly with your health insurance. There is a minor prescription fee of 5-10 EUR per prescription.
In order to enroll, you will need to present your health insurance documents to a German public health insurance provider, who will then inform the University of Stuttgart electronically. If C@MPUS, the university’s Campus Management Portal, displays an error message, please contact your German health insurance company. You do not need to upload any health insurance documents to C@MPUS.
You can sign up to any of the public health insurance providers. The following providers are located on campus and are very familiar with international students and their concerns:
Are you planning to work in Germany during or after your studies?
Once you have a working contract you need to have German health insurance. Make sure to contact a German public health insurance provider for guidance before you start a job!
In order to get a residence permit for studying in Germany and to enroll at the university, you need to have German health insurance. The statutory student health insurance costs between 125 and 150 EUR/month and is well worth the money as it includes all necessary medical treatments. The doctors will settle any invoices directly with your health insurance. There is a minor prescription fee of 5-10 EUR per prescription.
The following public health insurance providers have service points on campus and are very familiar with international students and their concerns:
The public health insurance providers automatically inform the university about your insurance status. If C@MPUS, the university's Campus Management Portal, displays an error message, please contact your German health insurance company.
The statutory student health insurance comes into effect when three conditions apply:
- You are a resident of Germany.
- You are enrolled.
- Your first semester has officially started (Oct 1 / Apr 1).
If you arrive early, e.g. for a German language class, you should get travel health insurance to bridge the time (see below).
If you arrive late, e.g. due to visa problems, the insurance fees are due retroactively to the beginning of the semester.
Are you over the age of 30? Have you already studied for more than 6 years (in Germany or abroad)? Does your scholarship include health insurance? Do you attend our full-time, full-semester preparatory German language course?
Special conditions may apply to you. Please contact the International Office for further information and individual counseling.
Further information can be found on the German Academic Exchange Service's website: Health Insurance (DAAD).
We recommend getting travel health insurance for the following purposes:
- to cover your trip to Germany.
- to cover the time you might spend in Germany before your student health insurance comes into effect (see above). This is especially important if you attend a German course before the semester starts!
- to cover travels outside of Germany during your studies.
Travel health insurance is available at banks, insurance companies, and online. For up-to-date price comparisons of German providers, use Versicherungsvergleich as a search term.
Every enrolled student is automatically covered by statutory accident insurance free of charge. The coverage applies
- when attending lectures and seminars,
- during other activities run by the university such as visits, workshops, sports classes, using the university library,
- when participating in trips organized by the university, including trips abroad,
- and when participating in student council or Stuvus activities.
If you have an accident during one of these occasions, please inform Division 3 - Students' Affairs via their contact form as soon as possible. If you need medical treatment, please inform the doctor or physician that the Unfallkasse Baden-Württemberg covers your accident and the treatment.
Getting personal liability insurance is not mandatory in Germany.
However, we highly recommend that you get one. It protects you against liability for causing injury to others or damaging their property, such as a rental apartment, a laboratory, or your university institute; it even includes the loss of keys. These insurance policies typically cost between 30 to 80 EUR per year, depending on your family status and the coverage included.
Personal liability insurance is available at banks, insurance companies, and online. For up-to-date price comparisons of German providers, use Versicherungsvergleich as a search term.
In the publication "Health for all – a guide to the German health care system" by the Federal Ministry of Health, you will find helpful information on various aspects of healthcare in Germany. The German public health insurance providers are also a good source of information.

International Office
- Profile page
- +49 711 685 68566
- Write e-mail
Open office hours at the IZ: Monday & Wednesday 2-4 p.m., also on Tuesday & Thursday 10-12 a.m. during March-April & September-October;
Online office hours of the Study Abroad Counseling team: Monday & Wednesday 10-12 a.m