Summer University
The Summer University is a great opportunity for students who are interested in German language and culture to make new experiences right in the heart of Europe.
This program is only available for students coming from a partner institution that has an agreement with the University of Stuttgart. Please consult your study abroad advisor whether your institution has such an agreement.
Students who successfully participated in the Summer University receive 13 ECTS in total.
Conditions of acceptance
- Approval of your home university
- Completion of your freshman year at your home university
- GPA = 2.75 or better (= B+ average)
- Payment of the University of Stuttgart Summer University fee
- Completion of the German language placement test (upon arrival)
Important information before the arrival can be found in the Pre-Departure Guide. The updated program will be available by May 2025.
You will be taught German in a classroom situation but you will also have the opportunity to practice outside the classroom.
In addition to the German language course, you will have the chance of taking a subject course in one of the following areas (all taught in English):
- 20th Century Architecture
- Art History: European Focus
- Cross-Cultural Communication
- International Business
- German Film & Literature
Students who successfully participated in a subject course receive 4 ECTS.
Important dates
Arrival weekend: May 24/25, 2025
Official registration: Monday, May 26, 2025
Exams: TBA
Official farewell: Thursday, July 3, 2025
Official departure: Friday, July 4, 2025
Course organization
German language classes:
- Monday to Friday from 8:45 a.m. to 12:15 p.m.
- You will be placed in an appropriate class based on your performance
Subject courses
- The subject courses will be taught in the afternoons
- The subject courses have integrated excursions which are mandatory
Optional Saturday excursions will be on offer.
You are free, of course, to organize your own weekend trips to other destinations of your choice in Germany or Europe.
A registration fee of EUR 20 is collected when you register for one of the excursions.
Please complete and sign the application form and e-mail it to the International Office of the University of Stuttgart. Be sure to have your home university’s international student advisor sign the form, too!
Application deadline
March 1, 2025
Be aware that your home university may have an earlier application deadline.
Please note: if you cancel your application after the deadline you will have to pay a EUR 100 fee.
The German courses run five days a week (Monday - Friday). You are expected to attend all classes!
During the six week period, the total number of lessons in any German language course is 90. This is equivalent to 9 ECTS credits.
Elementary courses
These courses stress correct pronunciation, listening comprehension, and basic speaking ability and should lead to active mastery of basic grammar and limited reading ability.
- Basic grammar and structures of German
- Elementary vocabulary
- Everyday situations in your studies and at home
- Basic written and oral communication
This course is a combination of an Elementary German I course and a Conversation Course. It will cover the basic skills (reading, writing, listening and speaking) with a heavy emphasis on everyday German.
Prerequisite: Elementary German I or equivalent
- Further development of the written and oral language and communication skills building on Elementary German I
- Basic structures of German (continued)
- Everyday situations in your studies and at home
- Introduction to tourist and professional situations
- Transition from word- to sentence-level grammar
Intermediate course
This course leads to a greater competence in spoken language and to more advanced reading skills. Prerequisite: Elementary German II or equivalent
- Further development of language and communication skills building on Elementary German II
- Additional topical texts from university and professional contexts
- Networking language skills
- Focus on syntax and text grammar
- Communication skills emphasizing fluency and flexibility
- Special focus on spoken communication (discussing, reporting, presenting)
All courses will be graded based on active course participation, homework completion, test performance, and an oral presentation.
While participating in the Summer University we offer accommodation:
- with host families (at least two people households, often with children)
- in single households
During the week, the host families will provide you with breakfast. In the evenings and on weekends you are responsible for your own meals.
Most families live within 40 minutes commuting time from the university.
During the week, lunch is available in the student cafeteria at a very reasonable price.
The Summer University costs are as follows:
- Course fee EUR 650
- Housing EUR 750
- Sum EUR 1.400
Payment deadline: April 25, 2025
Covered are the following:
- Housing while attending the Summer University
- Unlimited public transportation (bus, subway, underground) within the greater Stuttgart area
- Excursions (bus, train, lunch, guided tours, entrance fees; a EUR 20 registration fee is additional)
- Program administrative costs
Not covered in the price:
- Tuition at your own university
- Any program fees your home university charges to cover its costs
- Transportation to Stuttgart
- Transportation to the university before registration
- Breakfast (for students not housed with host families)
- Lunch and dinner
- Medical/accident insurance
- Textbooks for German language class (approx. EUR 25)
- Personal expenses

Babette Endrulat-Göhler
Program Coordinator Short-term and Double Master's Programs Overseas, Scholarships
- Profile page
- +49 711 685 68549
- Write e-mail
- Mon+Tue 2-4 p.m., Tue+Thu 10 a.m. to noon (and upon request)