Financial aid and scholarships

Coming up short in financing your studies? Look here for information on financial aid options such as the Federal Law on Support for Education and Training (BAföG) and scholarships.

Studies are unquestionably expensive, and it is never too early to think about how to pay for them. We recommend applying early for governmental support for your education or competing for a scholarship. Never let yourself be scared off by demanding eligibility requirements; many scholarships and foundations construe their support criteria in different ways.

Please note that all students have to pay semester fees.


  • international students who are not citizens of an EU/EEA country have to pay tuition fees of EUR 1,500.00 per semester and
  • students who are taking up a second or further Bachelor's study program or a second or further consecutive Master's study program have to pay tuition fees of EUR 650 per semester.

Further information on these fees is published on the website: fees and charges.

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