As a scholarship holder, you can benefit not only from financial support, but also from networking opportunities and a wide range of events, including seminars, workshops, discussions, and excursions. There are several reasons why it is worth applying.
But aren't scholarships only for gifted students? A very common misconception! Other criteria such as social commitment, family or cultural background also play a role.
There are many different scholarships aimed at different target groups. Thorough research will help you find the right scholarship, but here is an initial overview of the various funding options.
For questions and advice, please contact the Scholarship Service Center.
The Germany Scholarship is awarded for academic performance. Besides marks above average, the proof of at least one additional criterion is required.The scholarship amounts to 300 € per month, half of which is financed by a sponsor and the other half by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research.
The foundation assists students who by ability, initiative, and responsible conduct are far above average for their age group. Candidates have to be recommended for acceptance by the foundation. However, you can apply directly by taking a screening test [de].
The University of Stuttgart supports applicants in advance during the selection process. If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Ariane Kiel-Freytag at 0711 685-81186 or via e-mail.
You are also welcome to contact the liaison lecturers at the University of Stuttgart: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Frank Allgöwer, Prof. Dr. Sibylle Baumbach, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Andrea Beck, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stephan ten Brink, Prof. Dr. Ingrid Ehrlich, Prof. Dr. Dominik Göddeke, Prof. Dr. Andreas Kronenburg, Prof. Dr. Miriam Schulte, Prof. Dr. Eva-Maria Seng
- Friedrich Ebert Foundation e.V. [de]
Liaison lecturer at the University of Stuttgart: Prof. Rudolf Large - Friedrich Naumann Foundation [de]
- German Business Foundation (SDW) [de]
- Hanns Seidel Foundation [de]
- Hans Böckler Foundation[de]
Liaison lecturers at the University of Stuttgart: Prof. Dr. Christina Wege - Heinrich Böll Foundation
Liaison lecturer at the University of Stuttgart: Dr. Ralph O. Schill, Dr.-Ing. Max Hoßfeld - Konrad Adenauer Foundation e.V.
Liaison lecturers at the University of Stuttgart: Prof. Stefanos Fasoulas, Prof. Arnd Heyer - Rosa Luxemburg Foundation
- Avicenna Academic Scholarships
For muslim undergraduates and doctoral students - Cusanuswerk [de]
Student financial assistance provided by the Catholic Church in Germany
Liaison lecturer at the University of Stuttgart: Prof. Markus Stroppel - Ernst Ludwig Ehrlich Academic Foundation (ELES)
Support for outstanding Jewish students - Evangelical Academic Foundation e.V. [de]
Catholic Academic Services for Immigrants (KAAD)
Liaison lecturer at the University of Stuttgart: Prof. Hendrik Lens
- Femtec.Network
Femtec.Network is a cooperation between leading technical universities and various firms with the Femtec.University Career Center for Women. - Hildegardis Society [de]
The Society supports Christian women with interest-free loans regardless of their specialization and career goals - with special focus on advanced educational stages. - MTU Studien-Stiftung [de]
For female STEM students - Stiftung "Brot für die Welt" (for female refugees only)[de]
- Kurt Hansen Fellowship for STEM-Education
- Stiftung der deutschen Wirtschaft: “Studienkolleg” program [de]
- Semester fee scholarship by the Studierendenwerk Stuttgart
- Dr.-Eugen-Ebert-Stiftung
For talented and underprivileged students in all fields who made their "Abitur" in Old Württemberg (1963 state).
Further information and application form [de] (PDF) - Ikimiz-Mentoring [de]
Scholarship and mentoring program by Stuttgart's German-Turkish Forum for outstanding and motivated German-Turkish high school and university students from the Stuttgart region. - Max und Martha Scheerer-Stiftung Göppingen [de]
For students from Göppingen - Studentenwerk Stuttgart e.V. [de]
The association supports students if funding from public funds is not possible or sufficient. Further information on the funding is published on the information leaflet [de].
Chairman: Prof. Dr. Klaus Jan Philipp
Political foundations
- Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung
- Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung [de]
- Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung
- Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung
- Hanns-Seidel-Stiftung [de]
- Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung
Religious foundations
- Cusanuswerk [de]
- Ev. Studierendenwerk Villigst [de]
- Stiftung "Brot für die Welt" [de]
For female refugees only
Mentoring, workshops and support for talented young people with immigrant background. - Scholarships welcome and hochform [de] (Deutsche Universitätsstiftung)
Mentoring for bachelor's and master's students
- Aktion Luftsprung [de]
- Dr. Willy Rebelein Stiftung [de]
Scholarships for the employed even without abitur
- SBB 'Aufstiegsstipendium' [de]
The financial aid program sponsored by the Federal Ministry for Education and Research through SBB assists talented individuals with work experience to obtaining their first university degree with so-called 'advancement scholarships'. If you have questions concerning this scholarship, you are welcome to send an email.
Scholarships for students studying engineering science
- AQUA-Stipendium [de]
For students of civil engineering at the University of Stuttgart - VDI Elevate [de]
Financial aid program by the Society of German Engineers for engineering students - Richard-Winter-Stiftung
Funding focus on engineering sciences at Stuttgart and Esslingen
Scholarships for students studying aerospace engineering
Scholarships for students studying chemistry
Scholarships for students studying political and social sciences
Scholarships for students studying architecture
Scholarships for students studying STEM subjects, electrical engineering, logistics or mechanical engineering
Scholarships for student journalists in training
- Institute of Promoting Journalistic Talent (IFP) [de]
IFP's training program for individuals training to be journalists while studying is directed towards Catholic students in all academic specialties who want to go into journalism after completing their studies. - Journalism Academy of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation [de]
The Journalism Academy is a three-year program of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation to train journalists while they are still university students.
- Bertha von Suttner Studienwerk [de]
- Clauss-Simon-Stiftung: B-First [de]
For first-generation students - Clauss-Simon-Stiftung: Masterplus [de]
For Master's students - Reemtsma Begabtenförderungswerk [de]
- Tandem Scholarship from the German University Foundation (Deutsche Universitätsstiftung) [de]
Mentoring program for Bachelor degree students from non-academic households - Volkswagen Master Scholarship [de]
For students at the beginning of their Master's degree - Wilhelm Weckherlin Foundation
For talented students at the University of Stuttgart who are in material need, regardless of their religion or nationality
Further information [de] (PDF)
Further scholarships
Scholarship databases and further information
- Scholarship plus (further information)
Overview of thirteen scholarship organizations - Stipendienkompass – scholarship information service (further information)
Independent and free of charge information and consulting service -
Scholarship database for a targeted search for suitable funding options - Search engine Deutsches Stiftungszentrum
With an overview of foundations from A – Z - mystipendium
Scholarship database