Choosing the right study program

To help prospective students choose the study program that is right for them, the University of Stuttgart offers orientation sessions for just about any interest. We are sure to have someting to offer you, too.

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The University of Stuttgart has a varied menu of initial orientations to departments and areas of concentration. We set aside special days for general informational sessions, such as our Science Day. You can also arrange to attend classes for a day to get an up-close feel for a study program. We also put on events especially for schoolgirls and young women.

Since our biggest target audience are students at German high schools, our events and offerings are only available in the German language. Therefore, we only briefly introduce our orientation aids on this page and then link each to the detailed information in German. For any further questions regarding your choice of study program, please contact the Student Counseling Center. Questions about the application process should be directed to the admissions office.

Information for international prospective students

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