

Information on STEM studies for upper secondary students

You want to take a look at science and technology from a completely different angle? You want to try things out and inform yourself? Then you’ve come to the right place!

What do I get out of TryScience?

With TryScience, you can learn about many STEM study programs. You can put together your own personalized schedule, including workshops and info events, so that you will get exactly the information you need for your program choice. 

It was great that female students told me about their experiences! Now I know that I’m going to study electrical engineering at the University of Stuttgart.

Participant in TryScience

Who can participate?

School students of years 10 to 13 from any type of school that leads to a higher education entrance qualification can participate. Since equal opportunities and diversity are important to the University of Stuttgart, we also welcome a very mixed group of students with and without an immigrant background at our events. Therefore, we allocate places not only on a first-come-first-serve basis, but also with regard to group composition.

TryScience building blocks

Info events

At the info event on study programs you will get an overview of the various STEM study programs as well as valuable tips for program choice. On the CampusTour, you will get to know the university as well as students of various disciplines who will be talking about their everyday university life.

The info event on study programs is offered during the Carnival break, the CampusTour is offered during the Carnival break and the Autumn break.


In the workshops of the various study programs and research areas, you will experience firsthand how fascinating STEM studies can be. Numerous institutes will open their doors so that you can take a close look at research facilities and carry out experiments yourself.

Feedback from our participants

“TryScience has helped me find the right study program, because ..

... I saw how multifaceted the study programs and the subsequent opportunities are, and what skills are required."

... I had the opportunity to try coding."

... students talked about their experiences."

... I now have a better picture of what studying physics is like."

... I learned how interesting math actually is.”

Information for parents

As an association or education institution, you can work with us to plan an info event for parents where we provide information about the variety of study options as well as available advisory and information services. The info event can be customized according to your wishes, also in cooperation with our partners - the University of Applied Sciences in Esslingen, the Student Counseling Center, the MINT-Kolleg (STEM College) and

We will present the different types of higher education institutions, give an overview of STEM study programs as well as information and support services during the transition from school to university. We also like to invite female students to join us and talk about their personal experiences as a STEM student.

Feel free to ask us!

If you would like to receive information about current TryScience events for secondary school students, you can sign up for our mailing list.

A solid foundation: Networking

Since our program also specifically targets students with an immigrant background, cooperation with immigrant organizations is an important pillar of TryScience. Key partners are Forum der Kulturen Stuttgart (Forum of Cultures Stuttgart), immigrant associations, and other institutions that are actively involved in the field of extracurricular education. The expertise of these institutions in the specific concerns and conditions of students and parents with an immigrant background is invaluable for our offers. We are therefore keen to continuously strengthen and expand the network and also offer joint events.
Don’t hesitate to contact us!


This image shows Tanja Walther

Tanja Walther


Organisation of stem-projects for pupils

This image shows Dilek Kömürcüoglu

Dilek Kömürcüoglu


Organisation of stem-projects for pupils

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