A student is drawing a feedback loop.

Engineering Cybernetics

Master of Science 

Start of studies: winter or summer semester
Standard Period of Study: 4 semesters
Teaching Language: German

The M.Sc. Engineering Cybernetics study program is offered both in English and in German. For further information please either visit the German version of the study program description or the website of the English-taught Master program.

In the Master’s in Engineering Cybernetics, the basic methodological knowledge in the core areas of engineering cybernetics, i.e., especially control technology, systems dynamics, modeling and simulation, is studied exhaustively and significantly expanded. Moreover, the more in-depth education in higher mathematics represents a focus in the Master’s program that is unique in Stuttgart.

You will be competent in transforming the most varied problems into mathematical models, in recognizing structural commonalities, and solving problems using suitable methods. Engineering cybernetics is a demanding study program with theoretical orientations and high practical relevance. 

If you have a pronounced methodological basic knowledge in the core areas of Engineering Cybernetics and are eager to study this theoretical core more thoroughly and broaden it, the Master’ s study program in engineering cybernetics is right for you.

Important Websites


The quality of this degree program has been certified.

Contact for further questions

This image shows Pascal Jaufmann

Pascal Jaufmann


Program Manager Engineering Cybernetics

This image shows C. David Remy

C. David Remy

Prof. Dr.

Academic Counselor Engineering Cybernetics

This image shows Student Counseling Center

Student Counseling Center

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