History is instructive, entertaining, and indispensable to a well-rounded education. Historical scholarship studies the development of human society in time and space; its insights come mainly from working with historical sources.
Master’s studies serve to deepen knowledge of historical processes from antiquity to the present. Students learn to analyze various types of sources and come to grips with current historiographical research trends and theories. Another core subject matter addressed in the program consists of deepening subject-specific teaching methods, specifically the ability to further develop the teaching of history, both didactically and methodologically.
You should be thoroughly interested in the subject of history and equally in the methods of teaching it in the school context. Getting enjoyment out of reading source and research texts is indispensable: the study of history requires much reading!
To study history means setting out in search of Europe’s cultural roots! Handling source materials from the various eras is of key importance for this. Mastery of two modern languages, one of which must be English, is therefore mandatory. Also required is having passed the qualifying examination in Latin. It should be eather documented in your high school diploma, or you have aquired it in the course of your studies.
Important Websites

Roland Gehrke
apl. Prof. Dr.Studiengangsmanager Geschichte