The Master's study program Information Systems at the University of Stuttgart bridges the gap between business, social and engineering subjects and the design potential of computer science, which will affect almost all areas of society and business in the course of the digital transformation. At its core, the study program seeks to provide a critically reflective understanding of the theories, methods, and practical applications in the area of Information Systems and its related disciplines.
Against the backdrop of the highly dynamic nature of the advancing digital transformation, this study program focuses on providing a well-rounded, sustainable course of study, while also offering a wide range of opportunities for individual specialization in the fields of information systems, computer science, business administration, software engineering, and engineering and economics. The course comprises one mandatory course in Information Systems but is otherwise very flexible, offering more than 120 optional, coordinated modules. This flexible framework provides students with a wealth of opportunities to design a course of study that suits their personal interests.
- Are you interested in shaping the digital transformation in companies and society?
- Are you interested in conceptual-analytical thinking in an interdisciplinary subject?
- Do you enjoy scientific work?
- Are you independent, with plenty of initiative and self-organization skills, and the ability to think out-of-the-box?
- Do you have a Bachelor's degree in Information Systems or a related subject?
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Contact for further questions
Sixten Schockert
Dr. rer. pol.Lecturer and Researcher