Arms of Power (Kraftarme)

Materials Science

Master of Science 

Start of studies: winter or summer semester
Standard Period of Study: 4 semesters
Teaching Language: English

During the first year of your studies in the Master’s in Materials Science program, you will deepen the basic knowledge acquired for your Bachelor’s degree. At the same time, the knowledge and skills in two or three specialized areas are built up to follow the current state of research.

In the second year of study, an individual research project in the form of a "Master Thesis" is completed within one of the many materials science research teams. The outstanding infrastructure of the University of Stuttgart makes the broad selection of these fields of specialization possible.

The Master’s program Materials Science


You should have an interest in mathematics, physics, and chemistry. Also important is being able to think in an interdisciplinary fashion within the natural sciences realm and liking mathematical-analytical thinking.

You will also need to demonstrate at least a basic command of the English language, since the lectures are given in English. Please refer to the admission regulations for details.

The Master's program in Materials Science offers a high degree of flexibility by allowing students to select two or three specialization profiles. The following specialization profiles are available:

  • Advanced Materials Characterization
  • Functional Materials
  • Inorganic Materials Chemistry
  • Materials Theory and Simulation
  • Metals and Structural Materials
  • Nanomaterials and Surfaces
  • Polymer Science and Plastics Engineering
  • Soft Matter and Bio-Materials

The degree allows you to choose from a wide offer of occupations ranging from material selection and counseling to quality management. It qualifies you to work independently and autonomously in industrial research as well as basic research in public institutions.


Approximately half of all Masters of Science in Materials Science students earn their PhD and thereby specialize themselves in academic working techniques. Compared to many other subjects, earning a PhD is not mandatory in Materials Science: The employment prospects within industry are not any lower without a PhD title. Should you be striving for an academic career path though, then earning a PhD is a necessity. The strong academic environment in Stuttgart makes for relatively favorable conditions to earn a PhD as well as an academic career path.

Studying abroad: what opportunities does my study program offer?

The University of Stuttgart and the Chalmers University (Gothenburg, Sweden) offer a Double Degree Master for the study programs Materials Science and Materials Engineering. The successful students of the Double Degree Master program are awarded a master degree in Materials Science from the University of Stuttgart and a degree in Materials Engineering from the Chalmers University.

The participants of the Double Degree Master program will finish the first two semesters in Stuttgart. Starting with the 3rd semester the study will be continued in Gothenburg and completed with the Master Thesis. 

The study periods in Stuttgart and Gothenburg are complementary; the study course in Stuttgart is more scientifically oriented whereas the study course in Gothenburg has a focus on engineering.

The Double Degree Master program is addressed to dedicated and motivated students with very good course achievements, which are enrolled in the Master Materials Science program in Stuttgart. Per year 5 positions are available. Acceptance proceeds via an admission process. Interested students can send an application between October 17th and November 18th to the dean of the study program in Stuttgart (Prof. Grabowski) who will make the selection. The application documents should contain the Bachelor certificate with the marks, a CV and a letter of motivation.

The application should be sent to Prof. Dr. Blazej Grabowski.

Studying abroad: what opportunities does the University of Stuttgart have to offer?

Are you interested in going on exchange for a semester or two? Or would you rather do some research or attend a language course? Have you ever thought of joining a Summer School or planned an internship abroad? Whatever you have in mind for your exchange, the International Office will help you make your stay abroad an unforgettable experience. The first step will be to sign up online for our information sessions at the International Office that are offered on a regular basis. We look forward to your registration!

Application and admission: how do I get a place at the University?

Admission Requirements

As a consecutive program for graduate students, the Master Courses in Material Science require an approriate Bachelor degree. Beside the dedicated material topics (e.g. physical metallurgy, crystallography, materials chemistry, mechanisms of mechanical strength, polymeric materials, ceramics), a qualifying bachelor program must have a strong record in natural science and mathematics. You must demonstrate a sound introduction to solid state and organic chemistry as well as quantum and solid state physics. As a rule, a classical program in Mechanical Engineering or Mechantronics does not represent a sufficient preparation, except with an extraordinary focus on materials.

The complete information on the admission process, required knowledge of English, and the criteria for the assessment of professional suitability can be found in the admission regulations.

Language Requirements

The Master course Materials Science is taught in English. A German language test is therefore not necessary in order to be accepted. 

In order to study you must show proof that you have advanced English skills of at least level C1. You will need either:

  • one of the following tests with the indicated results: TOEFL PBT: 575 points; TOEFL CBT 225 points; TOEFL iBT 90 points; IELTS mind. band 6.5; Cambridge ESOL CAE/CPE or 
  • at least six semesters on a Bachelor’s study program in the English language. In this case provide a written confirmation of your home university that the medium of instruction was English or
  • Germans and foreigners with German education: the proof of five years of English instruction at school ("Sekundarstufe I und II"), with a grade of at least 4.0 in the last two years, is sufficient.
Admission regulation [de]  – March 10, 2017

Application period for the

winter semester: May 15 – July 15

The winter semester starts in October.

summer semester: December 1 – January 15

The summer semester starts in April.

How is the program structured?

The module handbook and the study program curriculum describe the individual modules with the associated courses, content and examinations.

Program structure in detail

Details on the program structure are published on the students' website.

Important Websites


The quality of this degree program has been certified.


This image shows Ralf Schacherl

Ralf Schacherl


Fachstudienberatung Materialwissenschaft

This image shows Student Counseling Center

Student Counseling Center

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