
Master of Education  Teaching Qualification 

additional subject
Start of studies: winter or summer semester
Standard Period of Study: 4 semesters
Teaching Language: German

This study program is not offered in English. For further information please visit the German version of the study program.

Mathematics is an essential tool of science. It teaches structured, logical thinking. Mathematics makes it possible to formulate abstract and practical problems, to simplify and solve them. Its importance grows with society‘s increasing technization – all modern technologies would be impossible without mathematical achievements.

The additional subject Master’s in Mathematics (Teaching Degree) affords a broad overview of all important mathematical fields, imparts assured handling of relevant tools as well as providing subject-specific pedagogical skills.

The additional subject Master’s degree is always studied in conjunction with standard teaching degree studies. The Master’s lets students achieve the right to teach a third subject.


Explanation: What is higher mathematics?



The quality of this degree program has been certified.

Contact for further questions

This image shows Friederike Stoll

Friederike Stoll


Program Managment B.Sc./M.Sc./BA-Lehramt/M.Ed. Mathematik

This image shows Jens Wirth

Jens Wirth

Prof. Dr.

Dean of Studies Teacher Education Mathematics

This image shows Student Counseling Center

Student Counseling Center

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