This study program is not offered in English. For further information please visit the German version of the study program.
The tiered study programs (Teaching Degree) in the sports field ensure the professionalism and quality of prospective teachers. They aim to inculcate subject matter, subject-specific pedagogical, and practical teaching skills. The study program integrates the different disciplines and perspectives of sports science and, as part of the module on building a sports science profile, conveys in-depth subject matter contents. Regarding subject-specific movement and sport pedagogy, the students solidify their teaching skills relevant for planning and designing sports instruction in two kinds of sports.
For this study program, you should
- Want to understand sport and movement from the ground up
- Want to inquire into theories and methods
- Be able to think in a complex manner
- Like working with people and
- Be athletically inclined
Important Websites
Contact for further questions

Uwe Gomolinsky