This state teacher examination study program in physics (M.Ed.) builds on the Bachelor’s state teacher examination studies. In studying mathematics or physics as the second subject during the four semesters, along with subject teaching methods and educational science, you will be prepared to teach both mathematics and physics in high school.
Mathematics and physics in their entire breadth as basic sciences are indispensable disciplines for a general classroom education. As high school mathematics and physics teachers, you will teach pupils about natural phenomena and mathematical methods and laws.
You will have opportunity in the Master’s study program to expand the knowledge and skills you acquired during your Bachelor’s degree studies and apply them to concrete problems.
To this end, you should be very interested in connecting the neighboring disciplines of mathematics, chemistry, and biology, to comprehend physics as an exciting natural science and to teach it as such. In addition, you should enjoy experimenting and presenting and know how to handle computers confidently.
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Contact for further questions

Thea Schiebel
Dr.Studiengangsmanagerin Lehramt Physik

Michael Eisermann
Prof. Dr.Head of Examination Committee Master Mathematik M.Sc.Professor - Head of Research Group Geometry and Topology