The challenges presented by globalization, climate change, and an aging population demand solutions rooted in an interdisciplinary, science-driven, and practice-oriented approach. The Master's study program in Technology Management creates excellent career prospects and qualifies students for these complex tasks by offering a wide range of courses in engineering and management.
As a prospective student, you'll have the opportunity to choose from a range of individual specializations, spanning from product development and ergonomics to logistics, energy, and vehicle technology. The engineering content is supplemented by current business management topics such as controlling, human resources and organization, innovation management, marketing and entrepreneurship. Additional key competencies round off the course.
The primary focus of the Master's degree program in Technology Management is to cultivate a scientific mindset and apply acquired knowledge to address contemporary issues at the University of Stuttgart or its affiliated institutions. An industrial internship presents opportunities to forge contacts with companies and gain practical experience.
The Master's study program in Technology Management builds on the broad basis of specialist and methodological expertise of the Bachelor's degree program in Technology Management.
Do you enjoy dealing with technical and business issues and problem solutions and have the necessary basic knowledge, particularly in mathematics, physics and business administration?
The lectures are typically conducted in German. Proficiency in English is advantageous, as much of the specialist literature is in English, and the availability of English-language lectures is continually expanding.
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Contact for further questions

Ina Maier
M.Sc.Teamleiterin Lehre und Akademische Rätin - Studiengangmanagerin
[Image: Ina Maier]

Oliver Rüssel
Dipl.-Kfm. t.o.Akademischer Mitarbeiter - Leiter des Büros für Studienangelegenheiten + Fachstudienberatung
[Image: Oliver Rüssel]