A wide range of funding programs and funding opportunities are available for people who want to start up their own business. However, funding is usually linked to certain requirements which it is necessary to know about. It is also important to be aware of what is eligible for funding and how long funding can be claimed for.
Funding programs to support start-ups
Regardless of whether your project is an invention, a start-up idea or you are simply interested in starting a company, our team of experienced coaches come from diverse backgrounds and are on hand to support you in all areas of the start-up process. From idea development to conception and business planning, all the way to support programs and funding.
A year's financing of living costs, administrative costs and coaching for technology and knowledge-based startup projects.
Support for startup founders from universities and extra-university research institutions who want to implement their start-up ideas in a business plan. The focus is on technologically innovative startup projects with good prospects of being economically successful.
What is awarded funding?
- Innovative, technology-oriented start-up projects and services which relate to scientific findings.
Who is awarded funding?
- University graduates, scientists and former scientific staff (up to five years after graduation or leaving employment).
- Students who have completed at least half their university studies at the time of submitting the application.
- Startup teams of up to three people.
How is funding awarded?
- Period of one year
- Staff costs as well as administrative costs up to EUR 10,000 (for teams up to EUR 30,000), startup-related coaching of up to EUR 5000
- Free use of the university’s premises or technical infrastructure
The funding is a two-stage follow-up funding for highly innovative start-up projects over a period of up to 36 months. Outstanding research-based start-ups which are associated with complex and risky development work are provided with support.
Funding phase 1
Carrying out developmental work to prove technological feasibility, creation of prototypes, preparation of business plans and founding of the company.
What is awarded funding?
- Research teams before starting a company
- Technically demanding startup projects with long development times
- Developmental work to prove technological feasibility, creation of prototypes, preparation of business plans and founding of the company
Who is awarded funding?
- Research teams at universities and extra-university research institutions (maximum of three scientists and technical assistants) and one person with business skills
How is funding awarded?
- Period of 18 months
- Staff costs as well as administrative costs and operating costs of up to EUR 250,000
- Free use of the university’s premises or technical infrastructure
Funding phase 2
Additional development work until market readiness and the start of business activities, as well as the requirements for external follow-up financing.
What is awarded funding?
- Development work until market readiness and the start of business activities, as well as the requirements for external follow-up financing
Who is awarded funding?
- Small companies with share capital
Funding program aimed at preparing people to set up their own business, particularly scientific staff at the University of Stuttgart.
Target group:
- Scientific staff who have taken a break from their jobs at the university of no longer than one year
- Applicants who are being awarded their doctorate no earlier than after submitting their dissertations
- Applicants who have previously received funding from the federal government (e.g. EXIST funding)
Preliminary Requirements
- Innovative product or process
- Presentation of a detailed business plan
- Supervision by a university professor
- Securing living costs, generally for a period of two years (in the case of a successful interim review)
- Free use of the university’s premises or technical infrastructure
- Providing knowledge on how to run a business through group/individual coaching
Businesses can buy support on the national and international research market with innovation vouchers.
The Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) wants to unlock the potential for innovation with the “Validating the innovation potential of scientific research – VIP+” funding measure. This potential can be found in the academic research carried out by universities, extra-university research institutions (which are funded jointly by the states and federal government), as well as federal institutions carrying out R&D tasks.
Funding coaching in connection with
- An innovation project,
- Reduction in energy consumption,
- Demographic change,
- Company succession.
Most startup founders need a competent advisory service for their company to be a success. The coaching principle has proved its worth here. A qualified management consultant accompanies and supervises people founding startups. Coaching is co-financed with a grant from the European Social Fund. Funding is awarded to new businesses set up within the last five years.
Promoting innovation by small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) under the motto of “Impulses for Growth”:
- Cooperation projects (ZIM-KOOP): Funding cooperation projects between SMEs and between SMEs and research institutions
- Individual projects (ZIM-SOLO): Funding R&D projects from individual SMEs
- Network projects (ZIM-NEMO): Funding external management and organizational services for developing market-oriented networks of innovative SMEs