Why not get acquainted with the university in childhood? The Children's University makes it possible. In lectures lasting one hour on average, professors answer exciting knowledge questions. Since 2007/2008, both universities offer one or two lectures each semester for children between the ages 8-12.
Stuttgart Kids' University for the summer semester 2024
Sport in childhood - better than you thought?
Dr. Dieter Bubeck
Institute of Sport and Movement Science
University of Stuttgart
Event language: German
When people drive cars or ride bicycles, they use their eyes and ears to orient themselves and avoid accidents. Researchers are currently developing cars that drive themselves. But how does a car that has no driver steer? How does a self-driving car know if the road is clear? How does it know if the light is red or green? Dr. Dan Greiner will answer these and other questions.
The lecture will also include an opportunity to see and touch technology up close. As a special experience, we will put ourselves in the position of a self-driving car and view the lecture hall as a car would see it.
Event language: German
Ticket orders
There is no need to register for the Stuttgart Kids` University Lecture on Science Day.
Getting there
To reach the University of Stuttgart's Vaihingen campus:
By public transit
S-Bahn: Lines S1, S2, S3
From the "Hauptbahnhof", "Stadtmitte" or "Feuersee" stations, take S-Bahn lines S1, S2 or S3 in direction Vaihingen, Flughafen, Filderstadt or Herrenberg and get off at the "Universität" station.
Bus: Linien 82, 84, 92 bis Haltestelle "Universität".
By car
Take Autobahn A 831 from Stuttgarter Kreuz toward "Stuttgart-Zentrum," to the "Universität" exit.
Please use the parking lot behind the buildings located at Pfaffenwaldring 7/9.
The Children's University newsletter keeps you up to date on selected events for children that are taking place at the University of Stuttgart such as Children's University lectures, Kids Campus, and Kids Week.
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The Children's University of the last few years covered many exciting topics. Here you will find an overview and videos of the lectures.

Claudia Berardis
Coordinator PR and Marketing, Online Editor