Scientific publications are often so complex that they can only be understood by the research community. Our "PublicationsCompact" series presents the latest research findings from Stuttgart publications in a clear, concise, and accessible way for everyone. We show you what motivates our scientists and how they are changing the world with new findings.
With the “PublicationsCompact” series, we would like to honor the publication achievements of our researchers and present their diverse and exciting research findings.
Prof. Manfred Bischoff, Vice-Rector for Research and Sustainable Development
A selection of current publications from Stuttgart
[Photos: University of Stuttgart / Ralph O. Schill, Florian Sterl / Sterltech Optics, ICD/IntCDC University of Stuttgart, University of Stuttgart / 2nd Physics Institute, University of Stuttgart / Institute for Social Sciences II, MK Feeney / Wikipedia, Arizona State University, Biodesign Institute / Jason Drees, o.A.]
Publication prize
Since 2018, the University of Stuttgart has been awarding prizes for outstanding publications from each of the ten faculties as part of the annual Research Day. The publication prizes are endowed with 2,500 euros each.
For researchers: Publishing services
The University Library (UB) offers a wide range of services to facilitate your academic work, research and the publication of your research findings. The University Library team provides advice on funding issues and publication options, including book publications.