Allmandring 30 (AR30, Baracke, Neue Baracke) Allmandring 30 70569 Stuttgart Lecture halls: Großer Seminarraum
ETI I / lecture hall center (ETI I, Hörsaalzentrum) Pfaffenwaldring 47 70569 Stuttgart Lecture halls: V 47.01, V 47.02, V 47.03, V 47.04, V 47.05, V 47.06
Computer Science Building Universitätsstr. 38 70569 Stuttgart Lecture halls: V 38.01, V 38.02, V 38.03, V 38.04
Engineering Center (IWZ II) (IWZ II) Pfaffenwaldring 7 70569 Stuttgart Lecture halls: V 7.01, V 7.02, V 7.03, V 7.04, V 7.11, V 7.12, V 7.22, V 7.23, V 7.31, V 7.32, V 7.41
Engineering Center (IWZ I) (IWZ I) Pfaffenwaldring 9 70569 Stuttgart Lecture halls/building areas: V 9.01, V 9.02, V 9.11, V 9.12, V 9.22, V 9.23, V 9.31, V 9.32, V 9.41, Cafeteria Contrast
Natural Sciences Center I / Vaihingen University Library (NWZ I, Universitätsbibliothek) Pfaffenwaldring 55 70569 Stuttgart Lecture halls/building areas: V 55.01, V 55.02, V 55.03, V 55.12, V 55.21, V 55.22, Vaihingen University Library, Café Urknall
Natural Sciences Center II (NWZ II) Pfaffenwaldring 57 70569 Stuttgart Lecture halls: V 57.01, V 57.02, V 57.03, V 57.04, V 57.05, V 57.06
Space Center Baden-Württemberg (Raumfahrtzentrum Baden-Württemberg (RZBW)) Pfaffenwaldring 29 70569 Stuttgart Lecture halls: V 29.01
Böblinger Straße 70 Böblinger Str. 70 70199 Stuttgart Lecture halls/building areas: M 70.11, M 70.12, M 70.31
Hörsaalprovisorium (Hörsaalprovisorium) Breitscheidstr. 2a 70174 Stuttgart Lecture halls: M 2.00, M 2.01, M 2.02
College Building I (K I, Kollegiengebäude I) Keplerstr. 11 70174 Stuttgart Lecture halls/building areas: M 11.11, M 11.32, M 11.42, M 11.62, M 11.71, M 11.82, Library of Faculty 1: Architecture and Urban Planning
College Building II (K II, Kollegiengebäude II) Keplerstr. 17 70174 Stuttgart Lecture halls: M 17.01, M 17.02, M 17.11, M 17.12, M 17.13, M 17.14, M 17.15, M 17.16, M 17.17, M 17.21, M 17.22, M 17.23, M 17.24, M 17.25, M 17.51, M 17.52, M 17.71, M 17.72, M 17.73, M 17.74, M 17.81, M 17.91, M 17.92, M 17.98, M 17.99, M 11.01
College Building IV (Kollegiengebäude IV, (K IV, Siemens Building) ) Geschwister-Scholl-Str. 24c 70173 Stuttgart
College Building IV (Kollegiengebäude IV, K IV, Siemens Building) Geschwister-Scholl-Str. 24d 70174 Stuttgart Lecture halls: M 24.01, M 24.12
College Building IV (Kollegiengebäude IV, (K IV, Siemens Building) ) Geschwister-Scholl-Str. 24b 70174 Stuttgart Lecture halls: M 24.01, M 24.12
University Library (UB, Unibib) Holzgartenstr. 16 70174 Stuttgart Lecture halls/building areas: Student workplaces