This image shows: Allmandring 19

Allmandring 19

General information to accessibility

Address: Allmandring 19, 70569 Stuttgart
Further Names: VISUS

The building is partially accessible.

The 3-story building houses the University of Stuttgart Visualization Research Center (VISUS) and the Collaborative Research Center 716 - Dynamic Simulation of Systems with Large Particle Numbers (SFB 716).


The main entrance is wheelchair accessible, but not automated. The northern part of the building can be reached inside the building via a ramp, which is, however, steep and has no handrail or curb. On the 1st floor, the airspace can be crossed via two ramp-like bridges, one of which is raised by one step. The other is accessible only to a limited extent. The different floors can be reached via elevator.

The main entrance is on the north side of the building.

The entrance door stands out in green. In the interior, freestanding staircases and support columns pose a risk of injury. Stair steps are usually unmarked, and the vertical ramp in the hallway area has no safety rail. The interior doors are not sufficiently contrasted, the glass doors are not marked.

There is a wheelchair accessible university parking space on the west side of the building. Another public parking space is located on Allmandring, directly in front of the building.

The elevator is barrier-free.

The entrance doors are not automated, but without threshold. Some of the interior doors can only be opened with increased effort.

There is an accessible restroom on the 1st basement floor (freely accessible).

Contact in case of emergency: from 4 p.m.: Security guard Vaihingen
Emergency number: 0711 685-64444



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