This image shows: Allmandring 3

Allmandring 3

General information to accessibility

Address: Allmandring 3, 70569 Stuttgart

The building is partially accessible.

The 3-story building houses the Institute for Computational Physics (ICP) and the Institute of Semiconductor Optics and Functional Interfaces (IHFG).


The main entrance is not wheelchair accessible (stairs). Wheelchair users can access the building via the side entrance, which has, however, a small threshold. The side entrance is located on the right on the south side of the building and can be recognized by the doorbell post.

The main entrance is on the right on the east side of the building.

The glass doors are not marked. Step markings without contrast. The handrails in the stairwells are single-sided and not continued.

There is a public parking space in front of the main entrance of the building next door (IZ, 60 Pfaffenwaldring). Other public parking spaces are located in the large parking lot in front of the building and along the Allmandring.

The elevator is accessible.

Some doors can only be opened with increased effort. Automated doors (pushbutton).

There is an accessible restroom on the 1st floor (freely accessible).

Contact in case of emergency: from 4 p.m.: Security guard Vaihingen
Emergency number: +49 711 685-64444



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