This image shows: Allmandring 35

Allmandring 35

General information to accessibility

Address: Allmandring 35, 70569 Stuttgart

The building is mainly accessible.

The 4-story building houses the Institute of Industrial Manufacturing and Management (IFF).


The main entrance has an automatic door (post with pushbutton) without a threshold. Another barrier-free entrance is located on the east side of the building.

The main entrance is on the center-right on the north side of the building.

Little contrast between floor and wall. Some corridors are poorly lit. The glass doors to the stairwells are insufficiently marked. Step markings in the interior are missing.

There is an accessible parking space along the street in front of the building.

The elevators are accessible.

Main entrance with automatic door (pushbutton). The doors in the hallways and stairwells require increased effort.

There is an accessible restroom on the 2nd floor (freely accessible).

Contact in case of emergency: from 4 p.m.: Security guard Vaihingen
Emergency number: 0711 685-64444



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