This image shows: Allmandring 9b

Allmandring 9b

General information to accessibility

Address: Allmandring 9b, 70569 Stuttgart

The building is mainly accessible.

The 4-story building houses the Institute for Time Measurement Technology, Precision Engineering and Microtechnology (IZFM), the Institute for Microintegration (IFM) and the Hahn-Schickard Institute for Micro Assembly and Packaging (HSG-IMAT).


The main entrance has an automatic door (pushbutton). The interior of the building is mostly accessible.

The main entrance is on the right on the north side of the building.

The interior doors are not sufficiently contrasted, the glass doors are not marked. Freestanding objects in the hallway areas.

There are public parking spaces in front of 15 Allmandring and 3 Allmandring.

The elevator is accessible.

The entrance door is automated.

There is an accessible restroom on the 1st basement floor, on the 1st floor and on the 2nd floor (freely accessible).

Contact in case of emergency: from 4 p.m.: Security guard Vaihingen
Emergency number: 0711 685-64444



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