This image shows: Aviation 3

Aviation 3

General information to accessibility

Address: Pfaffenwaldring 31, 70569 Stuttgart
Further Names: Luftfahrt 3
Lecture halls: V 31.01, V 31.51

The building is partially accessible.

The 6-story building houses the Institute of Aircraft Design (IFB), the Institute of Energy Storage (IES), the Institute of Interfacial Process Engineering and Plasma Technology (IGVP), the Institute of Nuclear Technology and Energy Systems (IKE), the Institute of Aerospace Thermodynamics (ITLR), the Institute of Adaptive Structures in Aerospace (PAS), and the Cafeteria L3.

Detail information on building areas


The entrance doors in the vestibule are not automated and can only be opened with increased effort. The entrance mat behind the doors poses a small barrier. The interior of the building is easily accessible for wheelchair users, as the fire doors are usually kept open by magnetic door stops. Also, the corridors provide sufficient maneuvering space.

The main entrances are located in the middle of the north side and in the middle of the south side of the building.

Little contrast between floor and wall. The glass doors are insufficiently marked, room doors are not sufficiently contrasted. Step markings are missing and there is a gap between the stairs and the wall.

There are two accessible parking spaces each on the street side of no. 29 Pfaffenwaldring and in the parking lot at the back of no. 31a Pfaffenwaldring.

The two passenger elevators are accessible and mirrored. However, the control panel is mounted too high. Another freight elevator, with a door that is operated manually, can only be operated by staff.

The entrance doors in the vestibule are not automated and can only be opened with increased effort. The fire doors in the hallways are sufficiently wide and stand open. The handles of the room doors are installed at a suitable height.

The nearest accessible restroom is located in no. 29 Pfaffenwaldring (ground floor, 1st floor, 2nd floor). Another one is in the nappy-changing room / ladies' room in no. 31a Pfaffenwaldring, to the left of the entrance.

Contact in case of emergency: from 4 p.m.: Security guard Vaihingen
Emergency number: 0711 685-64444



Lecture halls

V 31.01

Spaces for wheelchair
Loose seating.
Technology for people with hearing impairment
No microphone system in the lecture hall.

V 31.51

Spaces for wheelchair
Loose seating.
Technology for people with hearing impairment
No information listed.
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