This image shows: Böblinger Straße 70

Böblinger Straße 70

General information to accessibility

Address: Böblinger Str. 70, 70199 Stuttgart

Lecture halls/building areas: M 70.11, M 70.12, M 70.31

The building is partially accessible.

The 5-story building houses the Institute of Polymer Technology Mitte (ICT) and parts of the Statistical Office. Lecture halls M 70.11, M 70.12, M 70.31

Detail information on building areas


The nearest public transport stop is Erwin-Schöttle-Platz (lines U1, U9 U34, 42, N10). The main entrance is not suitable for wheelchairs as it can only be accessed via two steps. The barrier-free access is located at the northern part of the building. The doors are not automated. The building is not fully wheelchair-accessible, as there are repeated barriers between the corridors / rooms. The basement floor is accessible only to a limited extent and is currently used as a warehouse for chemicals.

The main entrance is accessible from the courtyard and is located on the west side of the building.

Poor lighting in the interiors; as a result, thresholds and other barriers are poorly visible. Stair markings are usually missing. Objects and built-in parts protrude into the corridor. There is no tactile paving in the courtyard of the Böblingerstrasse complex.

There is a public parking space in front of no. 6 Schreiberstrasse.

The freight elevator has limited accessibility. There is no mirror inside, and the doors can only be opened / closed manually and with difficulty.

The doors in this building are not automated, most of them are heavy and have a noticeable threshold.

The nearest accessible restroom is located in no. 74 Böblinger Str. (gatehouse) on the ground floor.

Contact in case of emergency: from 4 p.m.: Security guard Securitas
Emergency number: +49 172 724 2082 or +49 711 685-83200



Lecture halls/building areas

M 70.11 (Hörsaal)


The lecture hall can be accessed from the inside of the building by means of a wheelchair-accessible ramp. However, the door is not automated and can only be opened with effort.

Spaces for wheelchair
Loose seating.
Technology for people with hearing impairment
No microphone system in the lecture hall.

M 70.12 (Hörsaal)

Spaces for wheelchair
Loose seating

M 70.31 (Gebäudebereich)

Spaces for wheelchair
Loose seating.
Technology for people with hearing impairment
No microphone system in the lecture hall.
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