This image shows: International Center

International Center

General information to accessibility

Address: Pfaffenwaldring 60, 70569 Stuttgart
Further Names: IZ

The building is partially accessible.

The 3-story building - the International Center (IZ) - houses Division 2: International Office.


The main entrance (west side) has an automatic door (pushbutton) without a threshold, but it closes very quickly. The entrance on the basement floor (north side) is not automated and the door can only be opened with increased effort. The emergency exits are not accessible (steps).

The main entrance is on the right on the west side of the building. Another entrance is located in the middle of the north side of the building.
All pictures can be viewed under “Pictures”.

The entrance is not sufficiently contrasted, glass doors are not marked. The interior is well contrasted.

There is a public parking space in the immediate vicinity of the main entrance, between 60 Pfaffenwaldring and 3 Allmandring.

The elevator is accessible.

The main entrance door and hallway doors are automated (pushbuttons).

There are accessible restrooms on the ground floor, on the 1st floor and on the 1st basement floor (freely accessible).

Contact in case of emergency: from 4 p.m.: Security guard Vaihingen
Emergency number: 0711 685-64444



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