This image shows: Natural Sciences Center I / Vaihingen University Library

Natural Sciences Center I / Vaihingen University Library

General information to accessibility

Address: Pfaffenwaldring 55, 70569 Stuttgart
Further Names: NWZ I, Universitätsbibliothek
Lecture halls/building areas: V 55.01, V 55.02, V 55.03, V 55.12, V 55.21, V 55.22, Vaihingen University Library, Café Urknall

The building is partially accessible.

The 8-story building houses the institutes of Faculty 3: Chemistry, the University Library, and Energy Management. The renovation of the entire building and the lecture halls is due in the coming years.

Detail information on building areas


The nearest public transport stop is the S-Bahn stop "Universität"(lines S1, S2, S3). Only the exit "Universitätszentrum" has an elevator and is accessible. Most entrances are accessible, but not automated. The lecture halls 55.21 and 55.22 can be accessed via the elevators in the main building.

The main entrance is located on the east side of the building, under a covered passage. You have to pass the library on the left side and then turn right (glass doors). The entrance to the library is on the north side, directly from the main campus (revolving doors). Additional entrances are located all around the building. For the blind and visually impaired, we recommend to include the building in their mobility training, as it is very labyrinthine and angled and the entrances are difficult to find.

Most entrance doors are not sufficiently contrasted. The stairs are accessible only to a limited extent, step markings exist for the most part and are visible, the handrails are not barrier-free. Some of the corridors and room doors are not sufficiently contrasted and are inadequately lit. No tactile building information.

Accessible parking spaces of the university are located right at the building, at the back of no. 7 and 9 Pfaffenwaldring, and at 38 Universitätsstrasse. There is a public parking space on the corner of Pfaffenwald-/Allmandring.

The elevators are accessible.

Some doors can only be opened with great effort. Many doors have a clear width that is too small, and they do not provide sufficient maneuvering clearance.

There is an accessible restroom in the foyer on the ground floor, near the green elevator. Freely accessible

Contact in case of emergency: from 4 p.m.: Security guard Vaihingen
Emergency number: 0711 685-64444



Lecture halls/building areas

Café Urknall (Gebäudebereich)


The cafeteria is only accessible by stairs.

Information for people with visual impairment
Stair markings are missing.

V 55.01 (Hörsaal)

Further Names
Spaces for wheelchair
No information listed.
Technology for people with hearing impairment
No information listed.
Information for people with visual impairment
Stair markings and handrails are missing.

V 55.02 (Hörsaal)

Further Names
Spaces for wheelchair
No information listed.
Technology for people with hearing impairment
No information listed.
Information for people with visual impairment
Stair markings and handrails are missing.

V 55.03 (Hörsaal)

Spaces for wheelchair
The lecture hall is not wheelchair-accessible (steps). There are no wheelchair spaces available yet.
Technology for people with hearing impairment
No information listed.
Information for people with visual impairment
Stair markings and handrails are missing.

V 55.12 (Hörsaal)

Spaces for wheelchair
Loose seating.
Technology for people with hearing impairment
No information listed.

V 55.21 (Hörsaal)

Further Names
Spaces for wheelchair
No information listed.
Technology for people with hearing impairment
No information listed.
Information for people with visual impairment
Stair markings and handrails are missing.

V 55.22 (Hörsaal)

Further Names
Spaces for wheelchair
No information listed.
Technology for people with hearing impairment
No information listed.
Information for people with visual impairment
Stair markings and handrails are missing.

Vaihingen University Library (Bibliotheksbereich)

Further Names

The main entrance to the library area has an automatic door (pushbutton). There is no accessible elevator within the library area. Wheelchair users are kindly asked to contact the user support service in the entrance area in order to use the staff elevator. The corridors between the shelves may be too narrow for wheelchair users. There is no accessible restroom in the University Library (but is planned). There is an accessible restroom in the foyer on the ground floor of no. 55 Pfaffenwaldring, near the green elevator. Freely accessible.

Spaces for wheelchair
For further information please contact the library staff.
Information for people with visual impairment
A computer work station with a screen camera and big screen with magnifying software Zoomtext is planned. Please contact the Commissioner for students with disabilities or chronic illnesses: Blind and visually impaired persons are recommended to include the building in their mobility training, as it is very convoluted and contorted and the entrances are difficult to locate.
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