This image shows: Natural Sciences Center II

Natural Sciences Center II

General information to accessibility

Address: Pfaffenwaldring 57, 70569 Stuttgart
Further Names: NWZ II
Lecture halls: V 57.01, V 57.02, V 57.03, V 57.04, V 57.05, V 57.06

The building is partially accessible.

The 8-story building houses the institutes of Faculty 8: Mathematics and Physics, the institutes of Technical Biology, and the central office of the Students' Council ("Hellblaues Nilpferd").

Detail information on building areas


Main building:

The nearest public transport stop is the S-Bahn stop "Universität"(lines S1, S2, S3). Only the exit "Universitätszentrum" has an elevator and is accessible. The bus stops "Universität" (lines 82, 84, 91, 92, 746. 747. 748, N1) and "Universität" (loop / lines 82, 84. 746. X60), have a barrier-free access path. The main entrances have limited accessibility, as they have a small threshold and are not automated. In addition, inside the building, there are connecting corridors to the NWZ (55 Pfaffenwaldring) on the ground floor and on the 1st floor.

Annex Lecture Halls:

The main entrance (east side of the building) has no automated doors. The side entrance (south side of the building) has automated doors. Two lifts are situated in the foyer, which can be operated with a Euro-Key. A new toilet for disabled persons on the ground floor has been built and is now ready for use (July 2020) with a Euro-Key.

The main entrance is located on the east side of the building (glass doors), at a ramp. The entrance to the lecture halls is located at the northern passageway. Additional entrances are located all around the building.

The entrance doors are sufficiently contrasted. The stairs are accessible only to a limited extent, step markings exist for the most part and are visible, the handrails are not barrier-free. Some of the corridors and room doors are not sufficiently contrasted and are inadequately lit. Lecture hall building 57 Pfaffenwaldring: Step markings are missing in the foyer and the lecture halls. The handrails in the foyer are not completely barrier-free, as well as in lecture halls V57.01/02/03 (they don't quite continue down to the bottom), the handrails in lecture halls V57.04/05/06 are bareer-free. The art installation in the foyer contains tripping hazards, poses a risk of injury, and makes orientation difficult.

Accessible parking spaces of the university are located right at the building, at the back of no. 7 and 9 Pfaffenwaldring, and at 38 Universitätsstrasse. There is a public parking space on the corner of Pfaffenwald-/Allmandring.

The green elevators are accessible, the blue elevators have limited accessibility.

Some doors can only be opened with great effort. Many doors with thresholds.

A new toilet for disabled persons on the ground floor has been built and is now ready for use (July 2020) with a Euro-Key.

Contact in case of emergency: from 4 p.m.: Security guard Vaihingen
Emergency number: 0711 685-64444


Lecture halls

V 57.01


There are many barriers due to an art installation in the foyer. To overcome the steps in the foyer for wheel chair users, there are 2 lifts installed. They can be used with a Euro-Key.

Spaces for wheelchair
There are 2 wheelchair spaces with tables in the last row of benches.
Technology for people with hearing impairment
No information listed.
Information for people with visual impairment
Stair markings are missing in the foyer and lecture halls. In the lecture halls small emergency lights are placed at the side of each step. There are handrails in the lecture halls, but they are not fully accessible. (Caution: They end too early at the lower end!)

V 57.02


There are many barriers due to an art installation in the foyer. To overcome the steps in the foyer for wheel chair users, there are 2 lifts installed. They can be used with a Euro-Key.

Spaces for wheelchair
There is one wheelchair space with a table in the last row of benches (middle), which is accessible through the doors leading to a corridor behind the auditory.
Technology for people with hearing impairment
No information listed.
Information for people with visual impairment
Stair markings are missing in the foyer and lecture halls. In the lecture halls small emergency lights are placed at the side of each step. There are handrails in the lecture halls, but they are not fully accessible. (Caution: They end too early at the lower end!)

V 57.03


There are many barriers due to an art installation in the foyer. To overcome the steps in the foyer for wheel chair users, there are 2 lifts installed. They can be used with a Euro-Key.

Spaces for wheelchair
There are 2 wheelchair spaces with tables in the last row of benches.
Technology for people with hearing impairment
No information listed.
Information for people with visual impairment
Stair markings are missing in the foyer and lecture halls. In the lecture halls small emergency lights are placed at the side of each step. There are handrails in the lecture halls, but they are not fully accessible. (Caution: They end too early at the lower end!)

V 57.04


There are many barriers due to an art installation in the foyer. To overcome the steps in the foyer for wheel chair users, there are 2 lifts installed. They can be used with a Euro-Key.

Spaces for wheelchair
There are 2 wheelchair spaces in the front row. One of them has a mobile table.
Technology for people with hearing impairment
No information listed.
Information for people with visual impairment
Stair markings are missing in the foyer and lecture halls. In the lecture halls small emergency lights are placed at the side of each step. Handrails in the lecture hall are fully accessible.

V 57.05


There are many barriers due to an art installation in the foyer. To overcome the steps in the foyer for wheel chair users, there are 2 lifts installed. They can be used with a Euro-Key.

Spaces for wheelchair
There are 2 wheelchair spaces in the front row. One of them has a mobile table.
Technology for people with hearing impairment
No information listed.
Information for people with visual impairment
Stair markings are missing in the foyer and lecture halls. In the lecture halls small emergency lights are placed at the side of each step. Handrails in the lecture hall are fully accessible.

V 57.06


There are many barriers due to an art installation in the foyer. To overcome the steps in the foyer for wheel chair users, there are 2 lifts installed. They can be used with a Euro-Key.

Spaces for wheelchair
There are 2 wheelchair spaces in the front row. One of them has a mobile table.
Technology for people with hearing impairment
No information listed.
Information for people with visual impairment
Stair markings are missing in the foyer and lecture halls. In the lecture halls small emergency lights are placed at the side of each step. Handrails in the lecture hall are fully accessible.
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