This image shows: Space Center Baden-Württemberg

Space Center Baden-Württemberg

General information to accessibility

Address: Pfaffenwaldring 29, 70569 Stuttgart
Further Names: Raumfahrtzentrum Baden-Württemberg (RZBW)
Lecture halls: V 29.01

The building is mainly accessible.

The 3-story building houses the Institute of Space Systems (IRS), the Space Center Baden-Württemberg (RZBW), and the Boysen Foundation.

Detail information on building areas


The main entrance (southwest side) has no automatic doors; the doors there are heavy and have a small threshold. The rear entrance (east side) has automatic doors (pushbuttons) and also leads directly to the elevator.

The main entrance is located on the southwest corner of the building, under a canopy.

The staircase in the foyer is freestanding - risk of injury. The glass doors are insufficiently marked, room doors are not sufficiently contrasted.

There are two accessible parking spaces each along the street (Pfaffenwaldring) and in the parking lot at the side of the building.

The elevator is accessible and there is sufficient turning space in the elevator lobby.

The main entrance door is not automated, the rear entrance door is automated. The hallway doors are usually open. The door to lecture hall V 29.01 can only be opened with great effort.

There is one accessible restroom each on the ground floor, on the 1st floor, and on the 2nd floor (freely accessible). There is a stretcher in the accessible restroom on the 2nd floor.

Contact in case of emergency: from 4 p.m.: Security guard Vaihingen
Emergency number: 0711 685-64444



Lecture halls

V 29.01

Further Names
Friedrich Boysen Auditorium

The door to the lecture hall can only be opened with great effort. It is blue and therefore clearly visible.

Spaces for wheelchair
Loose seating
Technology for people with hearing impairment
No microphone system in the lecture hall.
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